This doll looks a bit like a MOD doll but she just might be from the 60's. She is marked between the shoulders almost like the Evergreen dolls: Made in Hong Kong and 5011½.
Hun ligner en 70'er dukke, men kan let være fra 60'erne. Hun er mærket næsten som Evergreen dukkerne mellem skulderbladene.
I just found this doll in Japan, she is unmarked and unknown to me. I have never seen another doll with this type of neck.
No markings on this doll, she is made of cheap plastic. The outfit I found in Sweden and I believe it is homemade.
I just bought this from UK, she is unmarked, her body is the same as Petra from the late 60's with twist waist and round neck knob
Nor marked in unknown dress with large white snaps
In this album I will place pictures of some dolls that are unknown to me. I hope they will not stay here as unknown forever but that I may be able to name them. Any help at all will be very welcome.
I dette album vil jeg placere billeder af nogle dukker som jeg ikke ved noget om. Jeg håber de ikke skal blive her altid som ukendte men at jeg vil blive i stand til at give dem et navn. Al hjælp vil være velkommen.
This doll looks a bit like a MOD doll but she just might be from the 60's. She is marked between the shoulders almost like the Evergreen dolls: Made in Hong Kong and 5011½.
Hun ligner en 70'er dukke, men kan let være fra 60'erne. Hun er mærket næsten som Evergreen dukkerne mellem skulderbladene.
I just found this doll in Japan, she is unmarked and unknown to me. I have never seen another doll with this type of neck.
No markings on this doll, she is made of cheap plastic. The outfit I found in Sweden and I believe it is homemade.
I just bought this from UK, she is unmarked, her body is the same as Petra from the late 60's with twist waist and round neck knob
Nor marked in unknown dress with large white snaps
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