I'll use this album to write down all the links I find interesting, I'm pretty sure they will all be doll links😀
Jeg vil bruge dette album til at skrive alle de links jeg finder interessante og jeg er sikker på at de alle vil være til dukke-sider.
Barbie links:
The official Barbie collector page, if you don't have Sarah Sink Eames' books you can find most of her pictures here chosing "Showcase" and then "vintage". Just the other day I discovered that pictures of outfits from 1975 to 1979 shown in Sarah Sink Eames Vol III also are available on the official Barbie page in the vintage section.
Hvis man ikke har Sarah Sink Eames' bøger og gerne vil identificere noget tøj, kan man bruge denne link og trykke på "Showcase" og her vælge "vintage", her ligger mange af hendes billeder. Jeg har lige opdaget, at billeder af tøjet fra 1975 - 1979 fra Sarah Sink Eames Vol III også kan findes på den officielle Barbie side under vintage.
The following link leads to dollreference, this page also shows most of the vintage Barbie dolls and outfits. I have used it a lot to identify all kind of dolls, they are not always right but mostly it has been a valuable help for me.
Den følgende link er til dollreference, her kan man finde en Barbie menu med de fleste af de vintage Barbiedukker og tøj. Der er også en stor viden om andre dukker samlet her, de har ikke altid ret i det der står, men den har været en uvurderlig hjælp for mig:
This link I use to identify Barbie cases but you can identify Barbie and her family and their outfits here as well:
Denne side bruger jeg til at identificere Barbie kufferter, men man kan finde rigtig meget om Barbie og hendes familie her:
Here is a link to Sanna's homepage, she lives in Sweden and she has a wonderful Vintage and MOD Barbie collection. She is selling outfits and outfit parts. You can also find a list of the Barbie shoes and where they belong and she shows a lot of accessories for the Vintage and MOD Barbie outfits:
Her er en link til Sanna's hjemmeside, hun bor i Sverige og sælger vintage/mod Barbie tøj og tilbehør. Hun har også en rigtig fin samling Vintage og MOD Barbie. Desuden kan man se en liste over Barbie sko og hvad de hører til samt en masse andet tilbehør i nærbillede:
Mily by GéGé links:
There is only one Mily de GéGé homepage that I can find now, the rest are gone:
Der er kun en hjemmesider om Mily de GéGé som jeg kan finde nu:
There is also a wonderful French homepage where you can shop for vintage dolls - if you can afford their prices. You have to contact them to find out what the prices are, this can be done in English by mail:
Der er også en vidunderlig fransk hjemmeside hvor man kan købe vintage dukker, hvis man har råd til deres priser. Man skal kontakte dem for at få priserne at vide og kan gøre det via mail på engelsk:
There's not much to be found on the subject Åhléns Caroline and family but I have found a Swedish page showing some great pictures of Caroline and a few outfits. It's in Swedish and English.
Der er ikke meget at finde om emnet Åhléns Caroline og familien men jeg har fundet en svensk side, her bliver vist nogle gode billeder af Caroline og lidt tøj. Siden er på svensk og engelsk.
To identify Tressy and her outfits simply visit this page:
For at identificere Tressy og hendes tøj så besøg denne side:
the absolute best there is.
Den absolut bedste der findes.
To see great Tressy collections and other good stuff it's a good idea to visit these pages:
For at se gode Tressy samlinger og andet godt stof er det en god idé at besøge disse sider:
I just ordered a book showing Bella Tressy outfits from the author in France and when it comes I'll show pictures and write more about the book. Here is a link to the blog where you can get the book:
I often visits all these sites and I like them a lot. You can find more dolls links on the page.
Jeg besøger disse sider ofte og kan rigtig godt lide dem. Man kan finde flere dukke links på
If you want to see a little more Linda and Candy dolls you can visit Linda Clark's Petra page:
Hvis man vil se lidt flere Linda og Candy dukker, kan man besøge Linda Clark's Petra side:
This is also the page to visit if you are interested in Sindy dolls, it's a really good place to get your Pedigree Sindy dolls identified.
Dette er også siden at besøge, hvis man er interesseret i Sindy, det er en rigtig god side at identificere sine Pedigree Sindy dukker efter.
If you are a Petra collector or just interested in looking at Petra dolls and outfits this is absolutely the very best page to visit. This is the page I have been using for many years and it has enabled me to identify all my Petra outfits:
Hvis man er Petra samler eller bare interesseret i at kigge på Petra dukker og tøj, er dette den absolut bedste side at besøge. Det er den side jeg har brugt i mange år og som har gjort mig i stand til at identificere alt mit Petratøj:
If you want to know a lot about clone dolls you should visit Manny Perez' homepage:
He has been trying to educate me but I have not finished correcting my info so please look at Manny's page to learn about the clone dolls.
Here's another nice webpage by Dorothy Guider about clone dolls:
I have found this page in Japan, and I have already bought a doll from them, it's interesting to see the Japanese dolls:
I have found a couple of interesting Japanese dolls and searching for info I came across this page:
I'm not a Sindy fan but if one needs to identify something Sindy this is a good place to do so:
I promised to place this link on my homepage:
There are Barbie dolls and other dolls here.