Ardee fashion called April Shower.

Ardee fashion called Fun & Frolich

Ardee fashion called Japan

Skating outfit by Brigette Fashion

This is a Sek's outfit, it shows pictures of genuin Barbie and Ken outfits. Dette er lavet af Sek's, på æsken vises ægte Barbie og Ken sæt.

Back-side of the Sek's outfit with more Barbie and Ken outfits. Bagsiden af Sek's sættet med flere billeder af Barbie og Ken sæt.

This outfit was sold in France, no factory name. Solgt i Frankrig, der står ikke hvem der lavede det.

Back-side of the French outfit's box. Bagsiden af det franske sæts æske.

This outfit was found in Denmark, the box says 'Sparkling New Teen Age Doll Fashion' and 'British Colony of Hong Kong'. Fundet i Danmark, på æsken står oversat "Funklende nyt teenage dukketøj" og "British Colony of Hong Kong".

Back-side of the British Colony of Hong Kong outfit. Bagsiden af sættet mærket British Colony of Hong Kong.

MOC outfit marked British Colony of Hong Kong found in Germany. It's a very low budget outfit and I can see a paper tag saying made in Hong Kong. Meget billigt sæt fundet i Tyskland og jeg kan se et papirmærke, hvor der står Made in Hong Kong.

It was made for Miss Sophia but who is she and does she have a boyfriend as shown on the box? Der står det blev lavet til Miss Sophia men hvem er hun og har hun en ven som vist på æsken?

This is a Bobbi outfit, very much the same as one of Fab-Lu's Randy outfits called Park Avenue. This box also shows pictures of Barbie and Midge. Dette er et Bobbi sæt, meget lig med et sæt til Fab-Lu's Randy som hedder Park Avenue. Denne æske har også billeder af Barbie og Midge udenpå.

Bobbi box with pictures of Barbie outfits or at least copies of Barbie outfits. Bobbi æske med billeder af Barbiesæt eller i det mindste kopier af Barbietøj.

This is a copy of Barbie's Red Flare, picture found on ebay. I think it may be for Bobbi. All I need to do now is to find out what a Bobbi doll looks like. Dette er en kopi af Barbies Red Flare, billedet fundet på ebay, jeg tror det måske er lavet til Bobbi. Nu mangler jeg bare at finde ud af, hvordan Bobbi ser ud.

This raincoat is still on it's card but no box so I don't know who made it. Denne regnfrakke er stadig på sit karton men der er ingen æske så jeg ved ikke hvem der lavede det.

This dress is by Kate Schorer.

Accessories by Premier. Tilbehøre lavet af Premier.

Shoes by Totsy

This is not my outfit but a picture from ebay and I'll remove it if asked. I show it here because I wanted to get it. It's a copy of Barbie's Black Magic Ensemble from 1964-1965. Dette er ikke mit sæt men et billede fra ebay, som jeg fjerner hvis jeg bliver bedt om det. Jeg har det med fordi jeg gerne ville have haft det. Det er en kopi af et Barbiesæt som hedder Black Magic Ensemble fra 1964-65

This is a copy of Barbie's Enchanted Evening, maker unknown to me. En kopi af Barbie's Enchanted Evening, ukendt fabrikat.

I have some underwear with Hong Kong paper tag, the outfit pieces to the left belongs together. Jeg har noget undertøj med Hong Kong mærke, sættet til venstre hører sammen.

Abbie Fashion Airline Hostess Uniform

Backside of Abbie Fashion

Beautiful 5-piece air hostess outfit I found in USA.

Unknown male outfit MOC

Unknown male outfit MOC

NRFB by Davtex

NRFB outfit by Davtex back

Totsy Outfits

The dress is by Premier Doll Togs Inc

May be found in Germany

These are marked British Crown Colony of Hong Kong, the dress and jacket to the left and the jacket to the right, the yellow dress is from another outfit.

A Cumberbund Cutie copy

This is a copy of Babs' Sun-back Sensation found in Denmark.

These dresses are copies of Babs' Peek-A-Boo dress found in Denmark.

This is a Hong Kong copy of Babs' outfit Bon Voyage. I found it in USA and the seller had it in another color too but I was not fast enough to get that one too. The difference from Bon Voyage is that this one has a snap and 2 "gold" buttons.

I got this from USA, it has no tag but looks a lot like the Babs outfits.

I tried to win this outfit on but was outbidden, now I found it in Sweden. It has a Hong Kong tag and was listed as a Braniff style outfit and I agree that the style is similar.

Unknown 2-piece very beautiful outfit.

Unknown but I love this dress it looks fab on Barbie.

This may be by Totsy, but I'm not absolutely sure.

This is the same outfit in 3 different versions, Hong Kong made, 2 of the outfits misses the short jackets.

2 very well made unmarked coats

Unknown Hong Kong outfit

Corduroy outfit, unknown to me

This beautiful dress I found in UK, it has a British Crown Colony of Hong Kong tag, most of those in my collection are Babs outfits but some I have placed in the American Evergreen section because I have seen them on Miss Teenager, but I know outfits for other American doll were tagged this way.

This was found in Denmark and I'm sure it's factory made but no tag.

Unknown dress with rabbit fur, I guess there should be a fur stole to this dress.

This was found in Denmark, it's a 2-piece outfit.

This dress I found in USA.

Beautiful dress by Premiere

I have a large collection of vintage outfits for 11½" fashion dolls, some boxed, some tagged and a lot without tag. I'll show some of them here but a lot of the outfits are shown on the dolls. As said before I'll welcome any information about the shown item whether it's dolls or clothes.

Jeg har en stor samling vintage tøj til 29 cm mannequindukker, noget i æske, noget er mærket og en del er ikke mærket. Jeg vil vise nogle af dem her men meget bliver vist på dukkerne i de enkelte albums. Som sagt tidligere er enhver information om de viste ting, enten det er dukker eller tøj, meget velkommen. 

jeri cooper 08.06.2016 18:59

hi, love your page: so much info and great pics! could you help identify these clones? they look like debbie powder dolls, but have legs and glued on dresses.

Martha Andersen 08.06.2016 19:12

I sent you a private mail, I hope you get it, please contact me using my email, you can't add pictures on my homepage but you can send some to me.

jeri cooper 08.06.2016 19:07

sorry forgot pictures. how do i add pictures?

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01.12 | 23:15

Hadde også en med hestehale, og et fantastisk vakkert hår, engang. Det tapte seg under vask, var ikke lengre glansfullt og luftig. Vet du hva det er laget av?

24.11 | 05:37

Hi, I was wondering which Petra doll is marked on the back of her neck? Thank you!

20.10 | 14:26

Hallo Annette, could you send me this page? I research Plasty dolls and would be very interested: beatnikx at gmail. com

23.09 | 17:32

Hello, this is called "Beim Fernsehen", which means Watching television.