Babs by Fab-Lu in original swimsuit, shoes, plastic bag and with her little scottie, her stand and the box. There is also a pair of white sunglasess in her hands.
Babs i original badedragt, med sko, håndtaske, sin lille skotte, sin stand og kasse. Der er også et par hvide solbriller som hun holder i hånden.
Close-up of Babs
Close-up of the blonde and the titian Babs.
This is the booklet that came with the doll and all the outfits.
This album will show Babs dolls, I have 3 of them, a brunette with her original box and accessories and a blonde and a titian. Babs is made of hard plastic and strung. Babs or more correct her outfits is a great passion of mine and the next album will show my collection. I will later add more informations about Fab-Lu who made Babs. I got some new informations now from a collector in Germany. First of all here is a link to the law suit between Ideal and Fab-Lu - at least the first one as I believe there would have been a second trial:
If I find the second and final law suit that put Fab-Lu out of business I'll place a link for that too. What I now know is that when Chad Valley took over they re-named Randy on the UK marked and called her Mary Lou so the UK Mary Lou is in fact Randy,a Tammy clone. The Mary Lou doll sold in USA was a Pepper size doll and in my album Mary Lou you can see a picture of one of her boxed outfits but sadly no Mary Lou yet.
Her vil jeg vise mine Babs dukker, jeg har 3 og den ene har sin originale æske og tilbehør. Babs er lavet af hård plastik og arme, ben og hoved holdes sammen af elastikker. Babs eller rettere hendes tøj er min passion og det næste album vil vise, hvad jeg har. Jeg vil senere skrive lidt mere om Fab-Lu, som solgte Babs. Jeg har nu fået lidt nye informationer, først of fremmest en link til præmisserne for den første retssag mellem Ideal og Fab-Lu, hvis nogen skulle være interesseret - se linken i den engelske tekst. Når jeg finder en link til den sidste og fatale retssag, som indebar at Fab-Lu overlod firmaet til Chad Valley, vil jeg læggen den ind her også. Jeg ved nu, at Chad Valley omdøbte Randy til Mary Lou på det engelske marked, så Mary Lou i England er egentlig Randy - en Tammy klon. I USA var Mary Lou en dukke på størrelse med Tammys lillesøster Pepper. I mit album med Mary Lou viser jeg et sæt tøj i æske, som jeg har til Mary Lou men desværre ingen dukke endnu.
Babs by Fab-Lu in original swimsuit, shoes, plastic bag and with her little scottie, her stand and the box. There is also a pair of white sunglasess in her hands.
Babs i original badedragt, med sko, håndtaske, sin lille skotte, sin stand og kasse. Der er også et par hvide solbriller som hun holder i hånden.
Close-up of Babs
Close-up of the blonde and the titian Babs.
This is the booklet that came with the doll and all the outfits.
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