Tammy in original outfit and shoes, with box and stand. This is the 2nd version and only the box is different from the 1st version.
Tammy i originalt tøj og sko, med sin æske og stand. Dette er 2. version og kun æsken er anderledes end til 1. version.
2 blonde Tammy dolls with straight legs.
2 blonde Tammydukker med stive ben.
2 brunette Tammy doll, the one to the right is marked Made in Japan.
2 Tammy brunetter. den til højre er mærket Made in Japan.
1964 Pos'n Tammy dolls
1964 Pos'n Tammy with original outfit and stand
1965 Pos'n Tammy with her telephone booth
Grown Up Tammy dolls. The doll to the left is the straight leg Tammy and the doll to the right is Pos'n Tammy.
Dukken til venstre har lige ben og dukken til højre har bøjelige ben.
The left and the right dolls are Straight Leg Misty. I believe the blonde in the middle is Miss Clairol who also has straight legs.
Dukkerne til venstre og højre er Misty med lige ben, den i midten har også lige ben men er Miss Clairol.
1965 Pos'n Misty in original outfit.
Originalt tøj.
Pos'n Misty doll from 1965.
I finally got a centered eye Misty in my collection
Samantha The Bewitched posing doll from 1965, I don't have her original outfit but she is wearing a Danish produced dress
Here are the dolls I have.
Her er dukkerne jeg har.
Tammy in original outfit and shoes, with box and stand. This is the 2nd version and only the box is different from the 1st version.
Tammy i originalt tøj og sko, med sin æske og stand. Dette er 2. version og kun æsken er anderledes end til 1. version.
2 blonde Tammy dolls with straight legs.
2 blonde Tammydukker med stive ben.
2 brunette Tammy doll, the one to the right is marked Made in Japan.
2 Tammy brunetter. den til højre er mærket Made in Japan.
1964 Pos'n Tammy dolls
1964 Pos'n Tammy with original outfit and stand
1965 Pos'n Tammy with her telephone booth
Grown Up Tammy dolls. The doll to the left is the straight leg Tammy and the doll to the right is Pos'n Tammy.
Dukken til venstre har lige ben og dukken til højre har bøjelige ben.
The left and the right dolls are Straight Leg Misty. I believe the blonde in the middle is Miss Clairol who also has straight legs.
Dukkerne til venstre og højre er Misty med lige ben, den i midten har også lige ben men er Miss Clairol.
1965 Pos'n Misty in original outfit.
Originalt tøj.
Pos'n Misty doll from 1965.
I finally got a centered eye Misty in my collection
Samantha The Bewitched posing doll from 1965, I don't have her original outfit but she is wearing a Danish produced dress
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