#5802 missing the shawl. The next picture shows another version with shawl.
Mangler sjalet, det næste billede viser en anden udgave med sjal.
#5804. Not in the best of condition, the blouse is missing one red button, the hat is wrong. The pants to the right are the same in another color missing a blouse.
#5807, 2 versions both missing the long blue sleevless coat and belt.
2 versioner, der begge mangler den lange, blå ærmeløse frakke og bælte.
#5809 showing one version of the coat. The next picture will show another version.
Viser én udgave af frakken, næste billede viser en anden udgave.
#5811 missing original belt.
Mangler originalt bælte.
#5812. The original hat is missing so I made one that looks like the picture in the catalogue.
Den originale hat mangler så jeg lavede en som ligner billedet i kataloget.
#5815. The dress is not in the best of condition, a number of flowers are missing.
Kjolen er ikke i den bedste stand, et antal blomster mangler.
#5817. The belt is not the right one
Et originalt bælte mangler.
#5818. The original blouses are missing and a white lace apron. On the catalogue picture no shawsl are shown but I got these with both outfits.
De originale bluser mangler og et hvidt forklæde. På katalogbilledet er der ikke vist sjal, men jeg har fået disse sammen med sættene.
#5819. On the next picture I show on of the dress.
På det næste billede viser jeg en af kjolerne.
#5819, the type of dress that goes under the coats, they come in different prints.
Den type kjole, der er under frakkerne, de kom med forskelligt mønster.
These are the outfits in the new line, it's the big robes and they were earlier a part of the boutique line. There are 20 fashions and I'm missing 1 of those in my collection and a couple of pieces to 2 outfits.
Dette er sættene i den nye linie, det er de store rober og de var tidligere en del af boutique linien. Der er 20 i alt og jeg mangler 1 i min samling og et par dele til 2 af sættene.
#5802 missing the shawl. The next picture shows another version with shawl.
Mangler sjalet, det næste billede viser en anden udgave med sjal.
#5804. Not in the best of condition, the blouse is missing one red button, the hat is wrong. The pants to the right are the same in another color missing a blouse.
#5807, 2 versions both missing the long blue sleevless coat and belt.
2 versioner, der begge mangler den lange, blå ærmeløse frakke og bælte.
#5809 showing one version of the coat. The next picture will show another version.
Viser én udgave af frakken, næste billede viser en anden udgave.
#5811 missing original belt.
Mangler originalt bælte.
#5812. The original hat is missing so I made one that looks like the picture in the catalogue.
Den originale hat mangler så jeg lavede en som ligner billedet i kataloget.
#5815. The dress is not in the best of condition, a number of flowers are missing.
Kjolen er ikke i den bedste stand, et antal blomster mangler.
#5817. The belt is not the right one
Et originalt bælte mangler.
#5818. The original blouses are missing and a white lace apron. On the catalogue picture no shawsl are shown but I got these with both outfits.
De originale bluser mangler og et hvidt forklæde. På katalogbilledet er der ikke vist sjal, men jeg har fået disse sammen med sættene.
#5819. On the next picture I show on of the dress.
På det næste billede viser jeg en af kjolerne.
#5819, the type of dress that goes under the coats, they come in different prints.
Den type kjole, der er under frakkerne, de kom med forskelligt mønster.
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