To the left it's the Camay clone, in the middle it's the Hong Kong clone and of course Ricky to the right.

Left is Camay and right Hong Kong

Hong Kong marked Ricky clone.

Camay Ricky clone in his original beach wear. It's obvious that Camay simply copied doll and outfit from Mattel's version. Camay Ricky i originalt tøj. Det er soleklart at Camay simpelthen kopierede både dukke og tøj efter Mattels udgave.

This is original to this doll, I have had another similar doll in the same outfit in a slightly different color but he is now living in Germany with a friend of mine. Dette er originalt Camay Rickytøj, jeg har haft en anden dukke med samme tøj i en lidt anden farve, men han bor nu i Tyskland hos en veninde.

I just got this from a friend, it shows Camay Ricky and Skipper clones, they were sold in Denmark in Daells Varehus, it's doesn't exist anymore but every dane knew they, it was a large department store, it had a building in Copenhagen with several floors and many purchased from their catalogue, especially at christmas time.

I have owned a Camay Ricky clone for a long time and even had extras to sell but I just got anther very much alike but still different marked Hong Kong. The Camay doll has straight legs and the Hong Kong has hollow soft legs non poseable. Their eyes are painted to look each their way but other than that hey look very much alike. 

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Nyeste kommentarer

01.12 | 23:15

Hadde også en med hestehale, og et fantastisk vakkert hår, engang. Det tapte seg under vask, var ikke lengre glansfullt og luftig. Vet du hva det er laget av?

24.11 | 05:37

Hi, I was wondering which Petra doll is marked on the back of her neck? Thank you!

20.10 | 14:26

Hallo Annette, could you send me this page? I research Plasty dolls and would be very interested: beatnikx at gmail. com

23.09 | 17:32

Hello, this is called "Beim Fernsehen", which means Watching television.