This is my favourite Hong Kong Lilli doll, she is like mint and has a beautiful face. I think the tie in her hair is original.
Dette er min favorit Hong Kong Lilli dukke, hun er som ny og har et vidunderligt ansigt. Jeg tror båndet i hendes hår er originalt.
This outfit I understand was made for a HK Lilli. I have seen one other version of this.
Dette sæt har jeg forstået er lavet til en HK Lilli, jeg har set en anden version af dette.
This is a copy of a Bild-Lilli dress and matching panties, I bought it from the maker Steen Thomsen - Stento design - he made this for the Lalka doll.
This outfit was made for Wendy by Elite as a tennis outfit, I got it MOC.
Dette sæt blev lavet til Wendy fra Elite som et tennissæt, jeg har det i original emballage.
This is a top for a HK Lilli doll, she was wearing grey short too.
Denne top er til en HK Lilli dukke, hun havde grå shorts hertil.
I just leaned from a collector in Austria (thank you Elke) that this is Gina by Allison Corp. So nice to get a name to the doll and know about the maker.
Jeg har lige fået at vide, at dette er Gina som blev lavet af Allison Corp, tak til Elke i Østrig for oplysningen, det er dejligt at kunne sætte et navn på dukke og fremstiller.
This is Gina by Allison Corp. I must admit that she used to have rouge, a lot of it, which made her look like a clown so a friend of mine removed it for me.
Dette er Gina fra Allison Corp. Jeg må tilstå at hun havde meget rouge på kinderne, så meget så hun lignede en cirkusklovn, en god ven fjernede det for mig.
This dress, I was told by a friend in Sweden, was made for both Bild-Lilli and Schwabinchen in Sweden, where I found it. I have however found a similar dress in different print in Germany so it may have been sold for those 2 dolls there as well. I'll show the other in the I'Schwabinchen album.
Denne kjole, har jeg fået at vide af en svensk ven, blev solgt til Bild-Lilli og Schwabinchen i Sverige, hvor jeg har fundet den. Jeg har dog fundet en tilsvarende kjole med andet mønster i Tyskland, så måske blev den
Hong Kong Lilli dolls that I restored, they are both in excellent condition both of them now.
Hong Kong LIlli in a Hong Kong dress
Hong Kong Lilli
Hong Kong Lilli, she may be Miss Fanny but I have no idea if that's the case. Unknown outfit
I have to admit that I don't really like this doll. There are a lot of different same type dolls to be found but I just bought this one because I think she should be represented in my collection.
Jeg kan virkelig ikke lide denne type dukke, der findes mange forskellige af samme slags. Jeg har bare købt denne fordi jeg synes den skal være repræsenteret i min samling.
This is Sylvie, she was made specially to Joja in France - it says so on the box. I found her in France and she is wearing original swimsuit and shoes. She has her stand too.
Dette er Sylvie, hun blev lavet specielt til Joja i Frankrig og jeg fandt hende her. Hun er i sin originale badedragt og sko og har sin stand også.
Both sides of Sylvie's box shows these 6 outfits.
Begge sider af Sylvies æske viser disse 6 sæt tøj.
Close-up picture of Sylvie.
This is a HK marked doll, he looks a lot like Bill by Fab-Lu but he isn't. I have seen a similar doll called Ted but I'm sure this isn't Ted. I believe the outfit is his and the box is ½ of the original box for him.
Dette er en HK mærket dukke, han ligner meget Bill fra Fab-Lu men det er han ikke. Jeg har også set billeder af en lignende dukke som hedder Ted, men jeg synes ikke helt han ligner ham. Tøjet han har på er originalt tror jeg da, æsken er ½ af han originale æske.
Close-up of the HK marked doll.
In this album I will show the few Hong Kong Lilli dolls I have, Sylvie by Joja in France and a Bill/Ken clone.
The 2 Hong Kong Lilli dolls are quite different and by different makers. I found both of them in USA. They have moulded shoes. What I wrote about the dress one of the HK Lillis are wearing may not be right, I found out they were made for Gitta but I got the info from a collector that really knows her stuff but I haven't been able to reach her right now to get it confirmed.
Sylvie is almost identical with Babs by Fab-Lu and she doesn't have moulded feet either. The Bill/Ken clone looks really a lot like Babs' friend Bill by Fab-Lu. I am sure I found Sylvie in France and the Bill/Ken clone was found in either UK or USA, I really don't remember because I have been bidding on male dolls in both countries.I have one of the smaller dolls too, I found her myself in an antique shop in LA some years ago when I visited my brother and his whife.
I dette album vil jeg vise mine få Hong Kong mærkede Lilli kloner, Sylvie by Joja i Frankrig og en Bill/Ken klon.
De 2 Hong Kong Lilli dukker er ret forskellige og fra forskellige fabrikanter. Jeg har fundet begge i USA. De har begge støbte sko. Jeg har også en i lille udgave, jeg fandt hende i en antikbutik i Los Angeles da jeg besøgte min bror og svigerinde der.
Sylvie og Babs fra Fab-Lu er næsten helt ens, de har ikke støbte sko. Bill/Ken klonen er også næsten den samme som Bill fra Fab-Lu. Jeg er sikker på jeg fandt Sylvie i Frankrig og Bill/Ken klonen er enten fundet i England eller USA, jeg kan ikke rigtig huske hvor fordi jeg har budt på mandlige HK dukker i begge lande.
This is my favourite Hong Kong Lilli doll, she is like mint and has a beautiful face. I think the tie in her hair is original.
Dette er min favorit Hong Kong Lilli dukke, hun er som ny og har et vidunderligt ansigt. Jeg tror båndet i hendes hår er originalt.
This outfit I understand was made for a HK Lilli. I have seen one other version of this.
Dette sæt har jeg forstået er lavet til en HK Lilli, jeg har set en anden version af dette.
This is a copy of a Bild-Lilli dress and matching panties, I bought it from the maker Steen Thomsen - Stento design - he made this for the Lalka doll.
This outfit was made for Wendy by Elite as a tennis outfit, I got it MOC.
Dette sæt blev lavet til Wendy fra Elite som et tennissæt, jeg har det i original emballage.
This is a top for a HK Lilli doll, she was wearing grey short too.
Denne top er til en HK Lilli dukke, hun havde grå shorts hertil.
I just leaned from a collector in Austria (thank you Elke) that this is Gina by Allison Corp. So nice to get a name to the doll and know about the maker.
Jeg har lige fået at vide, at dette er Gina som blev lavet af Allison Corp, tak til Elke i Østrig for oplysningen, det er dejligt at kunne sætte et navn på dukke og fremstiller.
This is Gina by Allison Corp. I must admit that she used to have rouge, a lot of it, which made her look like a clown so a friend of mine removed it for me.
Dette er Gina fra Allison Corp. Jeg må tilstå at hun havde meget rouge på kinderne, så meget så hun lignede en cirkusklovn, en god ven fjernede det for mig.
This dress, I was told by a friend in Sweden, was made for both Bild-Lilli and Schwabinchen in Sweden, where I found it. I have however found a similar dress in different print in Germany so it may have been sold for those 2 dolls there as well. I'll show the other in the I'Schwabinchen album.
Denne kjole, har jeg fået at vide af en svensk ven, blev solgt til Bild-Lilli og Schwabinchen i Sverige, hvor jeg har fundet den. Jeg har dog fundet en tilsvarende kjole med andet mønster i Tyskland, så måske blev den
Hong Kong Lilli dolls that I restored, they are both in excellent condition both of them now.
Hong Kong LIlli in a Hong Kong dress
Hong Kong Lilli
Hong Kong Lilli, she may be Miss Fanny but I have no idea if that's the case. Unknown outfit
I have to admit that I don't really like this doll. There are a lot of different same type dolls to be found but I just bought this one because I think she should be represented in my collection.
Jeg kan virkelig ikke lide denne type dukke, der findes mange forskellige af samme slags. Jeg har bare købt denne fordi jeg synes den skal være repræsenteret i min samling.
This is Sylvie, she was made specially to Joja in France - it says so on the box. I found her in France and she is wearing original swimsuit and shoes. She has her stand too.
Dette er Sylvie, hun blev lavet specielt til Joja i Frankrig og jeg fandt hende her. Hun er i sin originale badedragt og sko og har sin stand også.
Both sides of Sylvie's box shows these 6 outfits.
Begge sider af Sylvies æske viser disse 6 sæt tøj.
Close-up picture of Sylvie.
This is a HK marked doll, he looks a lot like Bill by Fab-Lu but he isn't. I have seen a similar doll called Ted but I'm sure this isn't Ted. I believe the outfit is his and the box is ½ of the original box for him.
Dette er en HK mærket dukke, han ligner meget Bill fra Fab-Lu men det er han ikke. Jeg har også set billeder af en lignende dukke som hedder Ted, men jeg synes ikke helt han ligner ham. Tøjet han har på er originalt tror jeg da, æsken er ½ af han originale æske.
Close-up of the HK marked doll.
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