Debbie Powder doll or Debbie The Elegant Doll.

Miss Babette by Eegee.

Wendy by Elite.

Honey West by A.C.Gilbert.

Marlene by Marx.

Mitzi by Ideal.

Debby by PMA

Polly by Valentine

Miss Suzette by Uneeda

The tittle of this album isn’t really covering what I’m going to show in the next albums but I have a limited number of letters to use when I name the albums and that’s the name I could come up with.

The next albums will show the fashion dolls that was mainly sold outside Europe. Most of them were sold in USA but some have also been sold/made in Canada with licens from the American makers, that goes for Mitzi and Tammy by Ideal and Tressy by American Character and maybe other dolls I don't know about. I have found out that the dolls in Canada often was sold in Europe as well (UK and Germany mostly) and that of course has to do with Canada's connection to the Commonwelth. I also do believe that there is a doll connection to Australia and New Zealand, that goes for Debbie Powderdoll I know and more I'm sure.

I am showing a few of the dolls here. Tressy will have her own section because Tressy also was made and sold in 4 European countries as well as in Mexico.

The Hong Kong Lilli dolls will also have their own section as I believe they were made for both the European and the American market.

Titlen på dette album er ikke helt dækkende for, hvad jeg vil vise I de næste albums, men da jeg har et begrænset antal bogstaver at bruge til titlerne, var det hvad jeg kunne komme I tanker om at kalde det.

De næste albums vil vise fashiondukker, som mest blev solgt udenfor Europa. De fleste blev solgt i USA men nogle blev også solgt/fremstillet i Canada med licens fra de amerikanske fabrikanter, det gælder Mitzi og Tammy fra Ideal og Tressy fra American Character and måske andre jeg ikke kender til. Jeg har også fundet ud af, at dukker solgt i Canada ofte er de samme som blev solgt i Europa (UK og Tyskland mest) og det har selvfølgelig noget at gøre med Canadas tilknytning til England via Commonwelth. Der er helt sikkert også en dukke-tilknytning til Australien og New Zealand, det gælder for Debbie Powderdoll og jeg er sikker på der er andre. 
Jeg viser nogle få af dukkerne her. Tressy får sin egen sektion fordi hun også blev fremstillet og solgt i 4 europæiske lande samt Mexico.

Hong Kong Lilli dukkerne vil også få deres egen afdeling, da jeg tror de blev fremstillet til både det europæiske og det amerikanske marked. 

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Nyeste kommentarer

01.12 | 23:15

Hadde også en med hestehale, og et fantastisk vakkert hår, engang. Det tapte seg under vask, var ikke lengre glansfullt og luftig. Vet du hva det er laget av?

24.11 | 05:37

Hi, I was wondering which Petra doll is marked on the back of her neck? Thank you!

20.10 | 14:26

Hallo Annette, could you send me this page? I research Plasty dolls and would be very interested: beatnikx at gmail. com

23.09 | 17:32

Hello, this is called "Beim Fernsehen", which means Watching television.