1960 #4 Ponytail Barbie in original outfit.
Originalt tøj. Denne Barbie dukke blev ikke solgt i Danmark.
1960 #4 Ponytail Barbie. Original earrings but was also sold with white stud pearl earrings
My new mint #4 Ponytail in original outfit
My new mint #4 Ponytail.
1960 #4 Ponytail Barbie
1961 #5 Ponytail Barbie. She is different from my other #5 dolls, she has poodle bangs and looks more like a #4 but she doesn't have a flocked scalp and a tendency to greasy face so she is a #5.
Denne #5 ligner mere en #4 på grund af pandehåret, men hun har ikke plyds under håret og hun har en tendens til fedtet ansigt så det er en #5. Blev ikke solgt i Danmark.
1961 #5 Ponytail Barbie dolls. As it shows the titian and the brunette both have greasy faces but not the blonde.
#5 Ponytail Barbie dukker, som det kan ses har den rødhårede og brunetten begge fedtede ansigter men ikke den blonde.
1961 #5 Ponytail Barbie. She is a bit unusual because of the very brigt blue eyes. There wasn't much lipstick left but what was there was white and i repainted her lips.
En lidt usædvanlig #5 med meget lyse øjne, hun havde rester af hvid læbestift og jeg malede dem op i den farve.
1961 Bubblecut Barbie. Body marked as #5 Ponytail Barbie.
Den første Bubblecut Barbie er mærket som #5 Ponytail Barbie og blev ikke solgt i Danmark.
1961 Bubblecut Barbie
#6 Ponytail Barbie. Her bangs are darker than the rest of the hair and made of a different kind of fabric.
Hendes pandehår er mørkere og stivere end resten af håret, der er meget blødt.
1964-66 #7 Ponytail Barbie
Was after all available in Denmark I have found out
Finally I got a brunette #6-7 so all 3 hair colors are present in my collection.
1962-67 Bubblecut Barbie with box.
This swimsuit was used for #6 & #7 Ponytail and Swirl Ponytail Barbie too.
Bubblecut Barbie som hun blev solgt, der mangler dog den lille folder. Bubblecut var den første Barbie dukke, der blev solgt i Danmark og det var i 1964. Denne badedragt blev også brugt til #6 og #7 Ponytail samt Swirl Ponytail Barbie.
This is an European Bubblecut with original box. She has yellow lips and wears the original swimsuit
Bubblecut Barbie
2 red head Bubblecut Barbie dolls with very different hair-do.
2 rødhårede Bubblecut Barbie dukker med meget forskellig frisure.
1962-66 Bubblecut Barbie dolls. The one to the left is a White Ginger and the on to the right is a Platinum.
Bubblecut Barbie dukker, den til venstre er en White Ginger og den til højre en Platinum.
1962 White Ginger Bubblecut I thought but judging from the lip color she most likely is a oxidized platinum, I just bought it from the original owner, who was selling her on a market. I freshened up her make-up and gave her safe earrings.
Jeg har lige købt den af den oprindelige ejer på et marked i Odense, jeg har frisket make-up'en op og givet hende sikre ørestikkere i. Jeg måtte også lige skife den venstre arm, lillefingeren var brækket af, men hun er stadig på den krop hun havde.
Platinum Bubble Cut with original box and stand, her hair has oxidized.
Oxidized platinum Bubble Cut, I believe that she has had a haircut and the hair to the left side has been colored by the previous owner.
1962 Lemon Blonde Bubblecut Barbie with her original box and outfit
This Lemon Blond Bubblecut I just bought on a fleamarket, she was wearing her original earrings but luckily she avoided green ears, she is in mint condition.
1963 My 3 European Side-part Bubblecut Barbie dolls.
3 Europæiske Barbie dukker med side-skilning.
One of 6 new side-part Barbie dolls I have found lately
This beauty I bought from the original owner who bought it 50 years ago when she was 10. Her hair is just a little dry but I believe her to be a side-part.
Side-part Bubblecut Barbie dolls found in Denmark.
Fundet i Danmark.
2 more Side-part Bublecuts,
2 beautiful red head Side-part Bubblecut Barbie dolls, the one to the right is from a charity shop and I paid next to nothing for her, luck strikes now and then. They are both in mint condition.
I just got my second Ash blonde side-part Bubblecut Barbie, they are however very different I think.
1964 Red Head Swirl Ponytail in original box
I have been so lucky to find not only an ashblond Swirl but also a red head Swirl with wristtag. This is mint in box, the only flaw is a little green on one ear.
1964 Swirl Ponytail Barbie. She is my latest Barbie doll and I found her in a charity shop for just $2 and she is perfect.
Swirl Ponytail Barbie, som jeg for nylig fandt i en butik med brugte ting for bare 10 kr. Hun er i fantastisk stand.
I bought this ash blonde Swirl from the original owner here in Denmark, she has her box, wrist tag and all accessories, the box says ash blonde Bubblecut but the owner only had this one doll so she was purchased in this box. I learned from people working in the toy shops back then that many dolls were taken out of the box for display and they didn't always get back with the original lid when sold.
1964 Ash blonde Swirl Ponytail
1964 lemon blonde Swirl Ponytail Barbie.
1964 Lemon blond Swirl Ponytail found in Denmark
1964 Platinum Swirl Ponytail Barbie
1964-66. My 2 Brunette Swirl Ponytail dolls are far from perfect. They both had haircuts when I got them. The one to the left has whatever is left in a bun and the one to the right has been rerooted, my first work on a vintage Barbie doll and I used a little more hair than I should have.
Mine 2 brunetter er langt fra perfekte, de havde begge klippet hår, den til venstre har fået håret sat op og den til højre har fået nyt har, den første vintage Barbie jeg arbejdede med og jeg brugte lidt rigeligt hår.
Brunette Swirl Ponytail. I just found this on a market, she had a little green by her ear but a treatment with Remove Zit did the trick, what's left is hidden under the earstickers. She is otherwise in perfect condition, hardly any trace of playware.
Har lige fundet hende på et marked, hun havde lidt grønt ved øret, efter behandling med Remove Zit er det stort set forsvundet, hvad der er tilbage skjules af ørestikkerne. Hun er ellers i perfekt stand, ser ikke ud til at være leget med.
1964 Rerooted and repainted Swirl Ponytails. The doll to the left had lost most of her eye paint and make-up and had just a few strands of hair left. As you can see painting eyebrows is not something I'm good at :). The doll to the right has new hair and her lips have been repainted.
Swirl Ponytail Barbie til venstre havde mistet det meste af sit hår og make-up, selv øjnene var næsten væk. Jeg har givet hende nyt hår og ny make-up. Som det kan ses er øjenbryn ikke min stærke side :) Den til højre har fået nyt har og ny læbestift.
Fashion Queen head and wigs with original blister but missing the carton.
1963 Fashion Queen Barbie with wigs and original outfit.
Fashion Queen Barbie med parykker og originalt tøj.
1964 This is Fashion Queen Wig Wardrobe, she was sold without body and with wigs. I use a Midge/Barbie body for her.
Denne Fashion Queen blev solgt som hoved alene og med parykker. Jeg har sat hovedet på en Midge/Barbie krop.
Fashion Queen Barbie. As far as I can see from my id book the doll to the left is the one sold on a Midge/Barbie body and the one to the right was sold as head alone.
Så vidt jeg kan skønne er dukken til venstre den der blev solgt på en krop og den til højre blev solgt som hoved alene.
1963-66 Midge with box and original outfit.
Midge med æske og originalt tøj.
2 blonde Midge
1963-66 Titian and Brunette Midge in original swimsuits.
Med originale badedragter.
2 Titian Midge
2 Brunette Midge with different length of hair
This is what happened to a badly cut titian Midge, I made her a platinum and gave her rooted eyelashes. The brunette Midge was suffering from bad paintloss so I gave her brown eyes.
Her er hvad der skete med en klippet Midge, jeg gav hende nyt blond hår og "rigtige" øjenvipper. Brunetten manglede make-up så hun fik brune øjne.
1965 Wig Wardrobe Midge, she was sold as head alone with 3 wigs on a wig stand.
1964 Miss Barbie, the first with bend legs and the only one with "sleep" eyes. She is in original outfit and have her wigs.
Miss Barbie var den første med bøjelige ben og den eneste med øjne, der kan åbne og lukke. Hun er i originalt tøj og har sine parykker.
1964 Miss Barbie.
1965 Midge bendable leg in original swimsuit and replaced headband.
Midge med bøjelige ben i original badedragt men hårbåndet er hjemmelavet.
The doll to the left is Midge Bendable leg, the doll to the right is a 1st version Midge. I got her with the haircut and she was missing the bangs. I had another Midge head missing most of her hair so I used that to reroot this doll and she looks almost exactly like the "real" thing.
Dukken til venstre er Midge med bøjelige ben, den til højre er en 1963 Midge, hun var klippet da jeg fik hende og manglede pandehår. Jeg havde en anden med kun lidt hår tilbage så jeg klippede den og lavede nyt pandehår på denne. Jeg synes hun ligner temmelig godt.
1965 Midge Bendable Leg
1965 1st version American Girl Barbie.
1. udgave af American Girl Barbie
1966 2nd version American Girl Barbie with the longer hair and red lips.
2. udgave af American Girl Barbie med længere hår og røde læber.
1966 American Girl found in Denmark
1966 Ash blonde American Girl Barbie. I bought her in Sweden, she had no hair left so she is a reroot.
Denne askeblonde skønhed fandt jeg i Sverige uden et hår på hovedet, så hun har fået nyt af mig.
I finally got one of those Silver Ash long hair American Girl dolls, she is beautiful only her bangs need to be pushed down.
1966 Long Hair version, I call her a brunette but I have seen this color called Silver Brunette but I'm not sure what to call this color.
My newest Color Magic with original swimsuit.
1966-67 Color Magic, I just won an auction with the one in the middle, she is in mint condigion wearing original swimsuit
1967 Color Magic Barbie. This too is one I bought to reroot. I believe she use to be golden but I chose ruby.
Denne dukke har også fået nyt hår af mig, jeg tror hun havde gult hår men jeg valgte denne mere sjældne Color Magic farve.
1972 Montgomery Wards Barbie in original swimsuit, shoes and with original hairdo
Denne lidt sene Ponytail blev lavet til Montgomery Ward, hun har original badedragt og sko og håret er også i original frisure.
1972 Montgomery Wards Barbie
English: This first album will show my vintage Barbie dolls. I will not write much about Barbie and her history as there isn't a better described doll in the world I'm sure 😀 but of course I'll be willing to share my information so feel free to ask questions. I wasn't going to write much about how Barbie was "born" but I recently heard a story that contredikts the official story. I always learned that Ruth Handler - Barbie's mom - in 1957 visited Austria and bought a couple of Bild-Lilli dolls and because she has thought of making a similar doll Mattel bought the license from HAUSSER but I just learned that Mattel didn't get the license but Marx toys bought it and made Miss Seventeen. I just copied this from Wekipedia:
Even though their whole
success was based on this German original, Mattel's legal department made sure that using the name Bild Lilli as a book title or product name would infringe copyright laws.
had discreetly bought up all and any patents and copyrights to Bild Lilli, while Marx Toys held some of them after the demise of this toy competitor. Unlike Barbie, Bild Lilli was produced for only eight years and never reached the importance of the American doll. By the time the creators and producers of the original Bild Lilli doll,
O&M Hausser
, realized that Mattel had duped them into selling off their intellectual property and distribution rights for ridiculously low lump sums, Barbie had already made Mattel such a successful and influential market leader that law suits were struck down in favor of the ever-growing American toy giant.
My Barbie dolls are far from perfect, of course I have some very great dolls but I'm not looking for perfect. I find it nice to know that somewhere a little girl has been playing with my dolls and have had great fun (though I don't believe that little girls and sissors belongs together - LOL). I have been and still am enjoying making a badly looking Barbie look like a million $ girl. This is why most of my dolls have been bargain dolls with some exceptions now and then.
Just a little information about the first Barbie doll's markings and what they were sold with and I only mention the dolls I have in my collection:
#4 Ponytail marked:
Barbie™/Pats.Pend/©MCMLVIII/by/Mattel/Inc. Her scalp is flocked and she came with the outfit I show in the first picture. She also came with either a black wire stand or a black wire pedestal with black disk base.
#5 Ponytail marked:
®./Pats.Pend/©MCMLVIII/by/Mattel/Inc. She came with the same swimsuit as #4, pearl stud earrings, optional sunglasess and a black wire stand. Some #5 dolls have greasy faces.
1961 Bubblecut Barbie: She was sold with the same outfit/accessories as #5 Ponytail and was marked the same way and like #5 some of them have greasy faces.
#6 & 7 Ponytail Barbie: Midge™/©1962/Barbie®/©1958/by/Mattel, Inc. In 1964 the word Patented was added and that's why the dolls before that are referred to as #6 and the dolls from 1964-66 are referred to as #7. The outfit is now a red stretch swimsuit, pearl stud earrings and red O.t. shoes and she came with a gold wire stand.
I have always thought we only got Bubblecut Barbie and Swirl Ponytail Barbie available in Denmark in 1964 but just today I got hold of a Brio Catalogue showing the first dolls in Denmark and here i see #7 Ponytail Barbie too along with of course Ken and Skipper.
Dansk: Dette første album vil vise Barbie dukker fra 1960 - 1966. Jeg vil ikke skrive meget her om Barbie da jeg tror hun er den bedst beskrevne dukke i historien, men jeg svarer gerne på spørgsmål. Mine Barbie dukker er langt fra perfekte,og jeg leder heller ikke efter det perfekte, jeg holder af at tænke på, at på et tidspunkt har en lille pige et eller andet sted leget med dem (selvom jeg da synes at små piger og sakse IKKE hører sammen - grin). Jeg har altid nydt at forvandle en noget mishandlet Barbie dukke til en som ligner en million dollars, derfor er mange af mine dukker "røverkøb" men selvfølgelig ikke alle.
Alle billederne vil have tekst og her er lidt om mærkningen af de dukker, jeg har:
#4 Ponytail:
Barbie™/Pats.Pend/©MCMLVIII/by/Mattel/Inc. Hun har "plyds" under håret. Hun blev solgt med det jeg viser på billede 1 foruden en sort wirestand eller en stand med en pedestal. De tidlige #4 blev solgt med guldøreringe, senere med perleøreringe.
#5 Ponytail:
Barbie®./Pats.Pend/©MCMLVIII/by/Mattel/Inc. Blev solgt med samme badedragt og sko som #4, øreringene var perler og standen var sort wirestand. Nogle men ikke alle blev solgt med solbriller. En del men ikke alle #5 dukkerne har tendens til "fedtet" ansigt.
1961 Bubblecut Barbie:
Blev solgt med samme udstyr som #5 og er mærket på samme måde og nogle har ligesom #5 tildens til "fedtet" ansigt.
#6 og 7 Ponytail: Midge™/© 1962/Barbie®/© 1958/by/Mattel, Inc og i 1964 blev ordet Patented tilføjet, derfor kalder man de første dukker #6 og efter 1964 kaldes de #7. De blev solgt med en rød stræk badedragt, røde sko, perleøreringe og en gylden wirestand.
Jeg har altid troet at vi kun fik Bubblecut Barbie og Swirl Ponytail Barbie i 1964 men jeg har lige fået et Brio katalog med de første dukker i Danmark og ser at der også kom en Ponytail #7 sammen med selvfølgelig Ken og Skipper.
1960 #4 Ponytail Barbie in original outfit.
Originalt tøj. Denne Barbie dukke blev ikke solgt i Danmark.
1960 #4 Ponytail Barbie. Original earrings but was also sold with white stud pearl earrings
My new mint #4 Ponytail in original outfit
My new mint #4 Ponytail.
1960 #4 Ponytail Barbie
1961 #5 Ponytail Barbie. She is different from my other #5 dolls, she has poodle bangs and looks more like a #4 but she doesn't have a flocked scalp and a tendency to greasy face so she is a #5.
Denne #5 ligner mere en #4 på grund af pandehåret, men hun har ikke plyds under håret og hun har en tendens til fedtet ansigt så det er en #5. Blev ikke solgt i Danmark.
1961 #5 Ponytail Barbie dolls. As it shows the titian and the brunette both have greasy faces but not the blonde.
#5 Ponytail Barbie dukker, som det kan ses har den rødhårede og brunetten begge fedtede ansigter men ikke den blonde.
1961 #5 Ponytail Barbie. She is a bit unusual because of the very brigt blue eyes. There wasn't much lipstick left but what was there was white and i repainted her lips.
En lidt usædvanlig #5 med meget lyse øjne, hun havde rester af hvid læbestift og jeg malede dem op i den farve.
1961 Bubblecut Barbie. Body marked as #5 Ponytail Barbie.
Den første Bubblecut Barbie er mærket som #5 Ponytail Barbie og blev ikke solgt i Danmark.
1961 Bubblecut Barbie
#6 Ponytail Barbie. Her bangs are darker than the rest of the hair and made of a different kind of fabric.
Hendes pandehår er mørkere og stivere end resten af håret, der er meget blødt.
1964-66 #7 Ponytail Barbie
Was after all available in Denmark I have found out
Finally I got a brunette #6-7 so all 3 hair colors are present in my collection.
1962-67 Bubblecut Barbie with box.
This swimsuit was used for #6 & #7 Ponytail and Swirl Ponytail Barbie too.
Bubblecut Barbie som hun blev solgt, der mangler dog den lille folder. Bubblecut var den første Barbie dukke, der blev solgt i Danmark og det var i 1964. Denne badedragt blev også brugt til #6 og #7 Ponytail samt Swirl Ponytail Barbie.
This is an European Bubblecut with original box. She has yellow lips and wears the original swimsuit
Bubblecut Barbie
2 red head Bubblecut Barbie dolls with very different hair-do.
2 rødhårede Bubblecut Barbie dukker med meget forskellig frisure.
1962-66 Bubblecut Barbie dolls. The one to the left is a White Ginger and the on to the right is a Platinum.
Bubblecut Barbie dukker, den til venstre er en White Ginger og den til højre en Platinum.
1962 White Ginger Bubblecut I thought but judging from the lip color she most likely is a oxidized platinum, I just bought it from the original owner, who was selling her on a market. I freshened up her make-up and gave her safe earrings.
Jeg har lige købt den af den oprindelige ejer på et marked i Odense, jeg har frisket make-up'en op og givet hende sikre ørestikkere i. Jeg måtte også lige skife den venstre arm, lillefingeren var brækket af, men hun er stadig på den krop hun havde.
Platinum Bubble Cut with original box and stand, her hair has oxidized.
Oxidized platinum Bubble Cut, I believe that she has had a haircut and the hair to the left side has been colored by the previous owner.
1962 Lemon Blonde Bubblecut Barbie with her original box and outfit
This Lemon Blond Bubblecut I just bought on a fleamarket, she was wearing her original earrings but luckily she avoided green ears, she is in mint condition.
1963 My 3 European Side-part Bubblecut Barbie dolls.
3 Europæiske Barbie dukker med side-skilning.
One of 6 new side-part Barbie dolls I have found lately
This beauty I bought from the original owner who bought it 50 years ago when she was 10. Her hair is just a little dry but I believe her to be a side-part.
Side-part Bubblecut Barbie dolls found in Denmark.
Fundet i Danmark.
2 more Side-part Bublecuts,
2 beautiful red head Side-part Bubblecut Barbie dolls, the one to the right is from a charity shop and I paid next to nothing for her, luck strikes now and then. They are both in mint condition.
I just got my second Ash blonde side-part Bubblecut Barbie, they are however very different I think.
1964 Red Head Swirl Ponytail in original box
I have been so lucky to find not only an ashblond Swirl but also a red head Swirl with wristtag. This is mint in box, the only flaw is a little green on one ear.
1964 Swirl Ponytail Barbie. She is my latest Barbie doll and I found her in a charity shop for just $2 and she is perfect.
Swirl Ponytail Barbie, som jeg for nylig fandt i en butik med brugte ting for bare 10 kr. Hun er i fantastisk stand.
I bought this ash blonde Swirl from the original owner here in Denmark, she has her box, wrist tag and all accessories, the box says ash blonde Bubblecut but the owner only had this one doll so she was purchased in this box. I learned from people working in the toy shops back then that many dolls were taken out of the box for display and they didn't always get back with the original lid when sold.
1964 Ash blonde Swirl Ponytail
1964 lemon blonde Swirl Ponytail Barbie.
1964 Lemon blond Swirl Ponytail found in Denmark
1964 Platinum Swirl Ponytail Barbie
1964-66. My 2 Brunette Swirl Ponytail dolls are far from perfect. They both had haircuts when I got them. The one to the left has whatever is left in a bun and the one to the right has been rerooted, my first work on a vintage Barbie doll and I used a little more hair than I should have.
Mine 2 brunetter er langt fra perfekte, de havde begge klippet hår, den til venstre har fået håret sat op og den til højre har fået nyt har, den første vintage Barbie jeg arbejdede med og jeg brugte lidt rigeligt hår.
Brunette Swirl Ponytail. I just found this on a market, she had a little green by her ear but a treatment with Remove Zit did the trick, what's left is hidden under the earstickers. She is otherwise in perfect condition, hardly any trace of playware.
Har lige fundet hende på et marked, hun havde lidt grønt ved øret, efter behandling med Remove Zit er det stort set forsvundet, hvad der er tilbage skjules af ørestikkerne. Hun er ellers i perfekt stand, ser ikke ud til at være leget med.
1964 Rerooted and repainted Swirl Ponytails. The doll to the left had lost most of her eye paint and make-up and had just a few strands of hair left. As you can see painting eyebrows is not something I'm good at :). The doll to the right has new hair and her lips have been repainted.
Swirl Ponytail Barbie til venstre havde mistet det meste af sit hår og make-up, selv øjnene var næsten væk. Jeg har givet hende nyt hår og ny make-up. Som det kan ses er øjenbryn ikke min stærke side :) Den til højre har fået nyt har og ny læbestift.
Fashion Queen head and wigs with original blister but missing the carton.
1963 Fashion Queen Barbie with wigs and original outfit.
Fashion Queen Barbie med parykker og originalt tøj.
1964 This is Fashion Queen Wig Wardrobe, she was sold without body and with wigs. I use a Midge/Barbie body for her.
Denne Fashion Queen blev solgt som hoved alene og med parykker. Jeg har sat hovedet på en Midge/Barbie krop.
Fashion Queen Barbie. As far as I can see from my id book the doll to the left is the one sold on a Midge/Barbie body and the one to the right was sold as head alone.
Så vidt jeg kan skønne er dukken til venstre den der blev solgt på en krop og den til højre blev solgt som hoved alene.
1963-66 Midge with box and original outfit.
Midge med æske og originalt tøj.
2 blonde Midge
1963-66 Titian and Brunette Midge in original swimsuits.
Med originale badedragter.
2 Titian Midge
2 Brunette Midge with different length of hair
This is what happened to a badly cut titian Midge, I made her a platinum and gave her rooted eyelashes. The brunette Midge was suffering from bad paintloss so I gave her brown eyes.
Her er hvad der skete med en klippet Midge, jeg gav hende nyt blond hår og "rigtige" øjenvipper. Brunetten manglede make-up så hun fik brune øjne.
1965 Wig Wardrobe Midge, she was sold as head alone with 3 wigs on a wig stand.
1964 Miss Barbie, the first with bend legs and the only one with "sleep" eyes. She is in original outfit and have her wigs.
Miss Barbie var den første med bøjelige ben og den eneste med øjne, der kan åbne og lukke. Hun er i originalt tøj og har sine parykker.
1964 Miss Barbie.
1965 Midge bendable leg in original swimsuit and replaced headband.
Midge med bøjelige ben i original badedragt men hårbåndet er hjemmelavet.
The doll to the left is Midge Bendable leg, the doll to the right is a 1st version Midge. I got her with the haircut and she was missing the bangs. I had another Midge head missing most of her hair so I used that to reroot this doll and she looks almost exactly like the "real" thing.
Dukken til venstre er Midge med bøjelige ben, den til højre er en 1963 Midge, hun var klippet da jeg fik hende og manglede pandehår. Jeg havde en anden med kun lidt hår tilbage så jeg klippede den og lavede nyt pandehår på denne. Jeg synes hun ligner temmelig godt.
1965 Midge Bendable Leg
1965 1st version American Girl Barbie.
1. udgave af American Girl Barbie
1966 2nd version American Girl Barbie with the longer hair and red lips.
2. udgave af American Girl Barbie med længere hår og røde læber.
1966 American Girl found in Denmark
1966 Ash blonde American Girl Barbie. I bought her in Sweden, she had no hair left so she is a reroot.
Denne askeblonde skønhed fandt jeg i Sverige uden et hår på hovedet, så hun har fået nyt af mig.
I finally got one of those Silver Ash long hair American Girl dolls, she is beautiful only her bangs need to be pushed down.
1966 Long Hair version, I call her a brunette but I have seen this color called Silver Brunette but I'm not sure what to call this color.
My newest Color Magic with original swimsuit.
1966-67 Color Magic, I just won an auction with the one in the middle, she is in mint condigion wearing original swimsuit
1967 Color Magic Barbie. This too is one I bought to reroot. I believe she use to be golden but I chose ruby.
Denne dukke har også fået nyt hår af mig, jeg tror hun havde gult hår men jeg valgte denne mere sjældne Color Magic farve.
1972 Montgomery Wards Barbie in original swimsuit, shoes and with original hairdo
Denne lidt sene Ponytail blev lavet til Montgomery Ward, hun har original badedragt og sko og håret er også i original frisure.
1972 Montgomery Wards Barbie
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