She has such a nice face and I wonder why a manufactor would do such a good job with that and then give her a very cheap body with poor hands. She is unmarked.
Jeg undrer mig og at en fabrikant vil lave sådan et kørt hoved og så placere det på en dårlig krop med ringe hænder. Hun er umærket.
I got this nurse outfit from UK, I made the cap but I don't know who made the outfit.
Jeg fandt dette i England, jeg lavede hatten men ved ikke hvem der lavede sættet.
This doll is marked Made in Hong Kong.
Denne dukke er mærket Hong Kong.
Unknown 3-piece outfit.
Ukendt 3-delt sæt.
This unmarked doll has eyes that looks straight ahead unlike most fashion dolls. She has a good quality body.
Denne Tammyklon har øjne der kigger lige ud, de fleste fashiondukker har øjne der kigger til siden. Hun er umærket og på en god krop.
Unknown outfit - put together by me.
Ukendt sæt, sat sammen af mig.
This doll has a face that looks a little like the Horsman Tammy clones but her eyes looks to her left and Horsman dolls looks to their right.
Denne dukke har et ansigt der minder om Horsmandukkerne, men hun kigger til venstre mens Horsmandukker kigger til højre.
The outfit is unknown to me, the jacket is made of felt and under the jacket she has a sleeveless top in red felt.
Dette sæt er ukendt for mig, jakken er lavet af filt og under jakken har hun en ærmeløs top også lavet af rødt filt.
If it wasn't for the big head I wouldn't call this a Tammy clone, you can see why on the next picture.
Hvis det ikke var for det store hoved ville jeg ikke kalde denne dukke en Tammyklon, man kan se hvorfor på næste billede.
Her body is very skinny compared to Tammy and the clones but she has that bigger Tammy head.
Hendes krop er meget tynd sammenlignet med Tammy og klonerne, men hun har det store Tammyhoved.
This is more a Sindy clone than a Tammy clone but her body is Barbie size and not Tammy size. She is unmarked.
It's easy to see that her body is a Barbie size body.
Unknown Hong Kong marked, her neck is part of the body and not of the head like with Tammy.
Unknown outfit, real buttons on the coat and a Gripper snap on the skirt
Hong Kong Sindy clones
I was sure I found another Randy doll but I'm not anymore, this doll has slimmer arms and hands and the Hong Kong marking is different from the Ponytail Randy. This doll has sidepart flip hair and not bubblecut as I thought, so who is she? Her body and legs are like Randy and Tammy, so she's not a Linda doll.
Unknown Hong Kong, I thought it was Randy by Fab-Lu but the Hong Kong marking is different so she may not be
Hong Kong marked unknown outfit
Hong Kong marked Tammy clones, the marking is Made in Hong Kong on the lower back. The outfit to the right is a BCCHK marked negligee set.
Mystery doll, she is onmarked, same size as Patch, Scrimp, Pepper
She is a wig doll, she has never had hair
In this album I will show a few unknown Tammy clones, some marked Made in Hong Kong and some unmarked.
Her vil jeg vise nogle få ukendte Tammykloner, nogle er mærkede Hong Kong og andre er umærkede.
She has such a nice face and I wonder why a manufactor would do such a good job with that and then give her a very cheap body with poor hands. She is unmarked.
Jeg undrer mig og at en fabrikant vil lave sådan et kørt hoved og så placere det på en dårlig krop med ringe hænder. Hun er umærket.
I got this nurse outfit from UK, I made the cap but I don't know who made the outfit.
Jeg fandt dette i England, jeg lavede hatten men ved ikke hvem der lavede sættet.
This doll is marked Made in Hong Kong.
Denne dukke er mærket Hong Kong.
Unknown 3-piece outfit.
Ukendt 3-delt sæt.
This unmarked doll has eyes that looks straight ahead unlike most fashion dolls. She has a good quality body.
Denne Tammyklon har øjne der kigger lige ud, de fleste fashiondukker har øjne der kigger til siden. Hun er umærket og på en god krop.
Unknown outfit - put together by me.
Ukendt sæt, sat sammen af mig.
This doll has a face that looks a little like the Horsman Tammy clones but her eyes looks to her left and Horsman dolls looks to their right.
Denne dukke har et ansigt der minder om Horsmandukkerne, men hun kigger til venstre mens Horsmandukker kigger til højre.
The outfit is unknown to me, the jacket is made of felt and under the jacket she has a sleeveless top in red felt.
Dette sæt er ukendt for mig, jakken er lavet af filt og under jakken har hun en ærmeløs top også lavet af rødt filt.
If it wasn't for the big head I wouldn't call this a Tammy clone, you can see why on the next picture.
Hvis det ikke var for det store hoved ville jeg ikke kalde denne dukke en Tammyklon, man kan se hvorfor på næste billede.
Her body is very skinny compared to Tammy and the clones but she has that bigger Tammy head.
Hendes krop er meget tynd sammenlignet med Tammy og klonerne, men hun har det store Tammyhoved.
This is more a Sindy clone than a Tammy clone but her body is Barbie size and not Tammy size. She is unmarked.
It's easy to see that her body is a Barbie size body.
Unknown Hong Kong marked, her neck is part of the body and not of the head like with Tammy.
Unknown outfit, real buttons on the coat and a Gripper snap on the skirt
Hong Kong Sindy clones
I was sure I found another Randy doll but I'm not anymore, this doll has slimmer arms and hands and the Hong Kong marking is different from the Ponytail Randy. This doll has sidepart flip hair and not bubblecut as I thought, so who is she? Her body and legs are like Randy and Tammy, so she's not a Linda doll.
Unknown Hong Kong, I thought it was Randy by Fab-Lu but the Hong Kong marking is different so she may not be
Hong Kong marked unknown outfit
Hong Kong marked Tammy clones, the marking is Made in Hong Kong on the lower back. The outfit to the right is a BCCHK marked negligee set.
Mystery doll, she is onmarked, same size as Patch, Scrimp, Pepper
She is a wig doll, she has never had hair
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