Wendy with extra heads, box and original outfit

Wendy in original outfit and another version of this outfit on another Tammy clone. I believe Wendy is wearing Sindy shoes

Wendy's box showing the dress

I got the wig version of Wendy too

This is Cheeky, Wendy's little sister

Cheeky by Tesfalda with one wig, I believe she would have had 3 all in all like Wendy

Telselda made Wendy in 2 versions, one with extra heads, the one I chose to buy and one with 3 wigs, I have seen that one with 2 different boxes. I found an extra version of her outfit and one extra dress for her - pictured on the side of the box. And I just bought a Patch size doll with wig, without knowing who she was but has found out she is Wendy's little sister Cheeky, if you wand to see and read more about this you can visit this blog it's really useful.

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Nyeste kommentarer

01.12 | 23:15

Hadde også en med hestehale, og et fantastisk vakkert hår, engang. Det tapte seg under vask, var ikke lengre glansfullt og luftig. Vet du hva det er laget av?

24.11 | 05:37

Hi, I was wondering which Petra doll is marked on the back of her neck? Thank you!

20.10 | 14:26

Hallo Annette, could you send me this page? I research Plasty dolls and would be very interested: beatnikx at gmail. com

23.09 | 17:32

Hello, this is called "Beim Fernsehen", which means Watching television.