1969-70 Talking Ken in original outfit
1969-70 Talking Ken
New Good Looking Ken from 1970 in his original outfit.
Originalt tøj.
1970 Talking Ken in his original outfit.
Originalt tøj.
Talking Brad fron 1970 in his original outfit.
Originalt tøj
1971 Live Action Ken in his original outfit.
Originalt tøj.
1971 Sun Set Malibu Ken
1972-73 Busy Ken, missing the original outfit so he is wearig The Night Scene
1972 Busy Talking Ken with original outfit and some of the accessories sold with the doll.
1972 Walk Lively Ken with his original outfit
1973 Mod Hair Ken in his original outfit. He came with beard, mustache and sideburns but I don't have any of those.
Han er i originalt tøj, han havde også fuldskæg, overskæg og bakkenbarter med men jeg har dem ikke.
1973 Mod Hair Ken original outfit, another version.
Her er en anden variant af hans originale tøj.
A third version of Mod Hair Ken's original outfit
1973 Sun Valley Ken in original outfit.
Originalt tøj.
1974 Fun Time Ken Europe with original swim trunks
1974 Montgomery Ward Exclusive Dressed Mod Hair Ken. I got this from USA.
1975 Free Moving Ken in original outfit.
1975 Free Moving Curtis with original box, outfit and accessories.
1975 Now Look Ken. He also came with beard, mustache and sideburns which I don't have.
Han kom også med fuldskæg, overskæg og bakkenbarter, som jeg ikke har.
1976 Partytime Ken in original outfit, he was only available in Europe and Canada.
Han er i originalt tøj og var kun til salg i Europa og Canada.
1977 Spiel Mit (Play with) Ken, he is an European doll.
Han er en europæisk dukke.
1978 Beach Fun or Strandspaß Ken in original swim trunks. He was sold in Europe and Canada.
Han blev solgt i Europa og Canada.
1978 Close-up of Beach Fun/Strandspaß Ken.
This album will show MOD Ken dolls, there will not be many close-up pictures as many of the dolls look exactly alike. The difference is in the marking or what they can do with body or/and hands. I will show those I can in the original outfit and the Mod outfits will be shown in the next album.
Her vil MOD Ken blive vist, der vil ikke være mange nærbilleder, da mange af dukkerne ligner hinanden totalt. Forskellen på de enkelte er mærkningen eller hvad de kan med krop eller/og hænder. Jeg vil vise dem jeg kan i originalt tøj, resten af tøjet vil blive vist i næste album.
1969-70 Talking Ken in original outfit
1969-70 Talking Ken
New Good Looking Ken from 1970 in his original outfit.
Originalt tøj.
1970 Talking Ken in his original outfit.
Originalt tøj.
Talking Brad fron 1970 in his original outfit.
Originalt tøj
1971 Live Action Ken in his original outfit.
Originalt tøj.
1971 Sun Set Malibu Ken
1972-73 Busy Ken, missing the original outfit so he is wearig The Night Scene
1972 Busy Talking Ken with original outfit and some of the accessories sold with the doll.
1972 Walk Lively Ken with his original outfit
1973 Mod Hair Ken in his original outfit. He came with beard, mustache and sideburns but I don't have any of those.
Han er i originalt tøj, han havde også fuldskæg, overskæg og bakkenbarter med men jeg har dem ikke.
1973 Mod Hair Ken original outfit, another version.
Her er en anden variant af hans originale tøj.
A third version of Mod Hair Ken's original outfit
1973 Sun Valley Ken in original outfit.
Originalt tøj.
1974 Fun Time Ken Europe with original swim trunks
1974 Montgomery Ward Exclusive Dressed Mod Hair Ken. I got this from USA.
1975 Free Moving Ken in original outfit.
1975 Free Moving Curtis with original box, outfit and accessories.
1975 Now Look Ken. He also came with beard, mustache and sideburns which I don't have.
Han kom også med fuldskæg, overskæg og bakkenbarter, som jeg ikke har.
1976 Partytime Ken in original outfit, he was only available in Europe and Canada.
Han er i originalt tøj og var kun til salg i Europa og Canada.
1977 Spiel Mit (Play with) Ken, he is an European doll.
Han er en europæisk dukke.
1978 Beach Fun or Strandspaß Ken in original swim trunks. He was sold in Europe and Canada.
Han blev solgt i Europa og Canada.
1978 Close-up of Beach Fun/Strandspaß Ken.
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