2 versions of Dream Boat, the outfit to the right is the common one I think, the dress to the left should have a darker blue bolero jacket. The flowers in the hair is not original and all accessories but the shoes are missing.
2 versioner af Dream Boat, den til højre er den mest almindelige tror jeg. Den til venstre skulle have en mørkere blå bolero jakke. Blomsterne i håret er ikke de originale og alt tilbehøre pånær skoene mangler.
Pizza Party only missing the Weekly News magasin.
Her mangler kun Weekly News bladet.
To the left it's a Randy by Fab-Lu outfit called Home Alone and to the right it's Tammy's Ring-A-Ding outfit. The fruit plate is to this outfit but the TV and the phone are just look-alike items. Missing is also a telephone directory.
Til venstre viser Tammy et Fab-Lu Randy sæt som hedder Home Alone, til højre er det Tammys sæt Ring-A-Ding. Frugttallerkenen er korrekt hertil men telefon og TV er ikke men ligner det originale udstyr. Der mangler en telefonliste.
This is called Walking Her Pet(s), I have 2 dogs so she walking both. The scarf is a replacement but otherwise the outfit is complete.
Dette hedder Walking Her Pet(s), jeg har 2 hunde så hun fik begge med. Tørklædet er en erstatning men ellers er sættet komplet.
Another complete outfit called Snow Bunny.
Et andet komplet sæt som hedder Snow Bunny.
Sorority Sweetheart. There should be a TV and a telephone directory as well as a pair of nylon stockings.
Der skulle være et TV og en telefonliste samt et par nylon strømper.
Tammy blouse Pak clothing.
Blusen er Tammys.
To the left Tammy is wearing a Randy dress called Tea For Two and to the right it's Tammy's Fur "N" Formal dress. The fur stole is a replacement and except for the shoes all the accessories are missing. The necklace is Tammy's but not correct to this dress.
Til venstre har Tammy en Randy kjole på som hedder Tea For Two, til højre er det Tammys Fur "N" Formal kjole. Stolaen er ikke original og undtagen skoene mangler alt tilbehøret. Halskæden er Tammys men er ikke den rigtige til dette sæt.
This is Winter Weather or at least parts from this outfit. Only the coat and skirt are original, the blouse should be a red sleevless turtle neck bodyblouse, there should be a black fake fur hat, long black gloves and red plastic boots.
Kun frakke og nederdel er til sættet, der skulle være en rød ærmeløs bodybluse, en sort pelshat, lange sorte handsker og røde plastikstøvler.
The 2 Misty dolls are wearing copies of Barbie's Caribbean Cruise, the red one is marked Shillman, the yellow is unmarked. The shoes are original.
Misty dukkerne har kopier af Barbies Caribbean Cruise sæt på, den røde er mærket Shillman og den gule er umærket. Skoene er originale.
This outfit is called Garden Party
Purl One is the name of this outfit, I replaced the scarf in the pocket, missing are the accessories.
Sleepy Time this outfit is called, missing accessories.
Cheerleader, the socks are not the right ones
Dance Date missing the gold belt
Spring Topper, missing the ticket and the original shoulder bag so she borrowed one from Barbie
Picnic Party 2 versions.
Tacklebox with lure and hook
Tammy School Daze
Tammy Travel Along
Beauty Queen missing most accessories, I made a bouquet.
Here are the outfits I have got for Tammy mostly and one for Misty but of course Misty can wear Tammy's outfits too but some of the early outfits are too wide in the waist.
Her er det tøj jeg har til Tammy for det meste og et sæt til Misty men Misty kan selvfølgelig passe Tammy's tøj også men noget af det tidlige tøj er for stort i taljen.
2 versions of Dream Boat, the outfit to the right is the common one I think, the dress to the left should have a darker blue bolero jacket. The flowers in the hair is not original and all accessories but the shoes are missing.
2 versioner af Dream Boat, den til højre er den mest almindelige tror jeg. Den til venstre skulle have en mørkere blå bolero jakke. Blomsterne i håret er ikke de originale og alt tilbehøre pånær skoene mangler.
Pizza Party only missing the Weekly News magasin.
Her mangler kun Weekly News bladet.
To the left it's a Randy by Fab-Lu outfit called Home Alone and to the right it's Tammy's Ring-A-Ding outfit. The fruit plate is to this outfit but the TV and the phone are just look-alike items. Missing is also a telephone directory.
Til venstre viser Tammy et Fab-Lu Randy sæt som hedder Home Alone, til højre er det Tammys sæt Ring-A-Ding. Frugttallerkenen er korrekt hertil men telefon og TV er ikke men ligner det originale udstyr. Der mangler en telefonliste.
This is called Walking Her Pet(s), I have 2 dogs so she walking both. The scarf is a replacement but otherwise the outfit is complete.
Dette hedder Walking Her Pet(s), jeg har 2 hunde så hun fik begge med. Tørklædet er en erstatning men ellers er sættet komplet.
Another complete outfit called Snow Bunny.
Et andet komplet sæt som hedder Snow Bunny.
Sorority Sweetheart. There should be a TV and a telephone directory as well as a pair of nylon stockings.
Der skulle være et TV og en telefonliste samt et par nylon strømper.
Tammy blouse Pak clothing.
Blusen er Tammys.
To the left Tammy is wearing a Randy dress called Tea For Two and to the right it's Tammy's Fur "N" Formal dress. The fur stole is a replacement and except for the shoes all the accessories are missing. The necklace is Tammy's but not correct to this dress.
Til venstre har Tammy en Randy kjole på som hedder Tea For Two, til højre er det Tammys Fur "N" Formal kjole. Stolaen er ikke original og undtagen skoene mangler alt tilbehøret. Halskæden er Tammys men er ikke den rigtige til dette sæt.
This is Winter Weather or at least parts from this outfit. Only the coat and skirt are original, the blouse should be a red sleevless turtle neck bodyblouse, there should be a black fake fur hat, long black gloves and red plastic boots.
Kun frakke og nederdel er til sættet, der skulle være en rød ærmeløs bodybluse, en sort pelshat, lange sorte handsker og røde plastikstøvler.
The 2 Misty dolls are wearing copies of Barbie's Caribbean Cruise, the red one is marked Shillman, the yellow is unmarked. The shoes are original.
Misty dukkerne har kopier af Barbies Caribbean Cruise sæt på, den røde er mærket Shillman og den gule er umærket. Skoene er originale.
This outfit is called Garden Party
Purl One is the name of this outfit, I replaced the scarf in the pocket, missing are the accessories.
Sleepy Time this outfit is called, missing accessories.
Cheerleader, the socks are not the right ones
Dance Date missing the gold belt
Spring Topper, missing the ticket and the original shoulder bag so she borrowed one from Barbie
Picnic Party 2 versions.
Tacklebox with lure and hook
Tammy School Daze
Tammy Travel Along
Beauty Queen missing most accessories, I made a bouquet.
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