My first info here was that the dolls were made by a company called Skipper Doll Co but that's not right, Peggy and probably also the Tammy size doll with Horsman faces are made by Standard Dolls for PMA (Plastic Molded Arts) and marked with SD on the back of the heads. I found a picture in a Sears Catalogue of the doll and some outfits. A few weeks ago I spotted a Tammy size doll with Horsman face marked SD as well and I was lucky enough to win the ebay auction for her too. Unfortunately I haven't got a name for this doll.
De første informationer jeg havde sagde at dukkerne var lavet af et firma der hedder Skipper Doll Co men de eksisterer ikke. De er lavet af Standard Dolls til PMA (Plastic Molded Arts) og at de lavede en dukke på størrelse med Tammy's lillesøster Pepper og hun hed Peggy, hun er mærket SD bag på hovedet og har et Horsman ansigt. Jeg fandt et billede fra et Sears julekatalog of denne dukke og noget tøj. For nylig fandt jeg så en dukke på Tammys størrelse også mærket SD og med et Horsman ansigt og var heldig at vinde denne auktion også.