Bob, Miss Suzette's boyfriend.
I believe that this beach wear is Bob's.
Dette tror jeg er Bobs.
This pajama and the red slippers is an original Bob outfit.
Dette sæt og de røde slippers er Bobs.
The jacket is Bob's, the pants and shirt is by Totsy.
Jakken er Bobs, bukser og skjorte er fra Totsy.
This is an ebay picture of a Bob outfit. Dette er fra ebay.
The shirt and the shorts are original Bob outfit pieces, I don't know about the hat but I got it with a couple of other similar hats in a lot with Totsy and Bob outfits.
Skjorte og shorts er originalt Bob tøj, hatten ved jeg ikke noget om, jeg fik den sammen med et par andre lignende hatte i et lot med Totsy og Bob tøj.
The apron is Bob's.
Forklædet er Bobs.
An ebay picture showing the apron along with the shorts, shirt and shoes that came with the apron.
Billede fra ebay som viser shorts, skjorte og sko, der kom sammen med forklædet.
The west and the pants are Bob's. The cap is made of felt and came with some of the Bob outfits I have.
Vest og bukser er Bobs, kasketten er lavet af filt og kom i et lot med Bob tøj.
Picture from ebay.
Picture from ebay
Grant dolls, one in original bag. The one to the left came with the red shorts and he is now living in Germany with my friend Polly.
Grant dukke i original pose til højre, de løse shorts hører til dukken til venstre, han bor nu i Tyskland hos min gode ven Polly.
Close-up of the Grant doll.
This album is for Bob, Miss Suzette's boyfriend. His body also has the Y shape. I have some original outfits for him too. I am also showing another male Grant doll here. Miss Suzette and Bob were sold exclusively thru W.T.Grant's stores so that's why he is here too.
Dette album er lavet til Bob, Miss Suzettes ven. Hans krop har også Y-form. Jeg har noget originalt tøj til ham også. Jeg vil også vise en anden Grant dukke her. Miss Suzette og Bob blev kun solgt via W.T.Grant butikker so derfor er han her.
Bob, Miss Suzette's boyfriend.
I believe that this beach wear is Bob's.
Dette tror jeg er Bobs.
This pajama and the red slippers is an original Bob outfit.
Dette sæt og de røde slippers er Bobs.
The jacket is Bob's, the pants and shirt is by Totsy.
Jakken er Bobs, bukser og skjorte er fra Totsy.
This is an ebay picture of a Bob outfit. Dette er fra ebay.
The shirt and the shorts are original Bob outfit pieces, I don't know about the hat but I got it with a couple of other similar hats in a lot with Totsy and Bob outfits.
Skjorte og shorts er originalt Bob tøj, hatten ved jeg ikke noget om, jeg fik den sammen med et par andre lignende hatte i et lot med Totsy og Bob tøj.
The apron is Bob's.
Forklædet er Bobs.
An ebay picture showing the apron along with the shorts, shirt and shoes that came with the apron.
Billede fra ebay som viser shorts, skjorte og sko, der kom sammen med forklædet.
The west and the pants are Bob's. The cap is made of felt and came with some of the Bob outfits I have.
Vest og bukser er Bobs, kasketten er lavet af filt og kom i et lot med Bob tøj.
Picture from ebay.
Picture from ebay
Grant dolls, one in original bag. The one to the left came with the red shorts and he is now living in Germany with my friend Polly.
Grant dukke i original pose til højre, de løse shorts hører til dukken til venstre, han bor nu i Tyskland hos min gode ven Polly.
Close-up of the Grant doll.
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