Here are some accessories, I have 5 different color shoes, a lot of different handbags, as they were used by other manufactors too, the scottie with the plastic leash, sunglasses, orchid and a booklet.
Her er Babs sko i de forskellige farver jeg har, håndtasker har jeg mange af, men de samme blev også brugt af andre fabrikanter, solbriller, den lille skotte med original snor, orkidé og folder.
Let's Dance. This is one of those outfits I'm looking for.
Dette er det ene af de to outfits jeg leder efter.
Let's Dance
Golden Charmer
Walking The Dog 2 versions
Beach Beauty versions, some complete.
Summer Delight, a very rare outfit to find but I got one more shown on the next picture.
Meget sjældent at finde, men jeg har en version mere, vises på næste billede.
Summer Delight looks fab on Bild-Lilli, my Babs dolls are still in storage as my new doll room is not ready yet since my moove.
Summer Delight, very different from the boxed version.
Meget forskellig fra udgaven i boksen.
Let's Go Formal, there should be a wisp of tull to these.
Der skulle være tylssjal til disse.
Slim Silhuettes versions with BCCHK tag
Slim Silhuettes with HK tag. I'm sure they are for Babs, no 3 from the left is exactly like the dress to the right shown in the previous picture.
Light Of Love
Date Bait
Rip Tide
Slack Suit
This may also be Slack Suit here shown on Sylvie but this outfit has a paper tag saying Made in Hong Kong.
Cumberbund Cutie versions.Just as I believe that's that a new variant turns up and I have to take new pictures, now I got 10 of these.
Ain't She Cute
Shopper Stopper
This could be a version of Floradora, here on Annette by Eegee, it has a Hong Kong paper tag.
Dette kunne være Floradora, men den har papirmærke Made in Hong Kong.
Bon Voyage
Bon Voyage, not mine unfortunately, I borrowed this picture from ebay and wanted to show that the outfit alsocame in a blue version.
Desværre ikke mit sæt, jeg har lånt billedet fra ebay for at vise, at sættet også blev lavet i blåt.
Sugar 'n Spice
Sun-back Sensation
Pastel Parfait. The 2 dresses from the right in the top row have skirts attached but the rest doesn'n.
2 more Pastel Parfait
Peek-A-Boo, the first 2 dresses to the left has the same skirt but different tops. To this outfit there should be a white satin bra, I don't have the original.
Kjolen til venstre og den i midten har samme skørt men toppen er lavet af forskelligt gennemsigtigt stof. Der skal være en satin bh til sættet, jeg har ikke den originale.
Formal Reception
My Babs dolls are still stored after my moving house so Bild-Lilli is modeling this version of Formal Reception.
One more Formal Reception
Yet another Formal Reception version
This is a version of Formal reception, unfortunately it has been shortened.
Big Bertha
RSVP, the white is missing the matching bolero.
Den hvide kjole mangler sin bolero i samme stof.
Pert & Pretty
3 versions of Pert & Pretty, I just found the green version in Germany and it's properly tagged with the BCCHK tag.
Bare Midriff. I have seen Hong Kong-Lilli dolls sold with a similar outfit only the top is orange and the shorts are grey I think.
Jeg har set Hong Kong-Lilli dukker solgt med den samme type tøj, her er toppen bare orange og shortsene er grå såvidt jeg husker.
Puttin' On The Ritz is the second outfit I'm missing in my collection.
Dette er det andet outfit som mangler i min samling.
Dream Girl
Femme Fatale, the black one is the most common. The shawl is not part of the outfit shown in the booklet.
Den sort udgave er den mest almindelige, sjalet hører ikke til ifølge folderen fra Fab-Lu.
Arabesque, this is Fab-Lu's promotion outfit for Babs. The version to the left is the most common, the version with the red pants is very unusual.
Arabesque er det sæt Fab-Lu har brugt som reklame for Babs. Versionen til venstre er den mest almindelige, den med de røde bukser er meget usædvanlig.
Arabesque in box, a very unusual version with brown pants.
En meget usædvanlig version med brune bukser.
Arabesque, well at least I think it is, it's similar to the ones I have with BCCHK tag but it has a paper tag with Made in Hong Kong.
Dette burde være Babs' selvom den ikke har det rigtige mærke men et papirmærke med Made in Hong Kong. Sættet er totalt magen til mine øvrige Arabesque versioner.
Blaze O'Glory
I now have 6 different versions of Blaze O' Glory
Creme Puff - at least the dress to the right. I have come to believe that the dress to the left might be Miss Teenager by Evergreen's dress. I found a picture of a boxed MT outfit and the back shows a dress like the left, which has no bows like the right dress has. They are both marked BCCHK.
Fashion Whirl
Fifth Avenue. If you look carefully you may be able to see that the fabric used for the top is different from the fabric they used to line the jacket. I bet this was not supposed to be so.
Hvis man kigger nøje efter kan man måske se, at det stof man lavede blusen af er anderledes end det, man brugte til at fore jakken med, det er garanteret en fejl.
Fifth Avenue
Evening In Paris. In the booklet you can only see a coat but I got matching dresses to all of the coats (I have a coat that goes with the dress in the middle) and the dresses are all tagged correctly.
I folderen kan man kun se en frakke, men jeg har matchende kjoler til alle mine frakker (jeg har en frakke til kjolen i midten også) og kjolerne er også korrekt mærkede.
Happy Wedding Day!
Happy Wedding Day! I gently took the dress out of the box to take this picture of the outfit on a doll.
Jeg tog forsigtigt kjolen ud af æsken for at tage dette billede af Babs som brud.
This outfit is not in the booklet but it's Babs' for sure.
Dette sæt er ikke i folderen, men det er helt sikkert Babs'
I don't know if this is for Babs but Randy has one exactly like this with an R on it. If it is Babs' it's not in the booklet.
Here all my Babs outfits will be shown. The booklet by Fab-Lu counts 38 different outfits including the swimsuit with accessories. I only miss 2 of those but I also have one boxed outfit that's not in the booklet and I'm sure there are more. A lot of the Babs outfits were made in different prints, colors and fabric and I'll show what I got. I often forgot to add accessories to the pictured outfits but they all came with shoes, not always a matching color, some came with one of 2 type plastic handbags and again not always in matching colors. Some of the outfits came with the black scottie and some of them came with sunglasses and some with orchids and booklet. I have pictured the accessories.
Her kommer alle de sæt tøj jeg har til Babs. I folderen tæller Fab-Lu badedragten med tilbehør med og der er så vist 38 ialt. Jeg mangler kun 2 af disse og har desuden et sæt, som ikke er i folderen og jeg er sikker på at der er flere. En del af Babs' tøj er lavet med forskellige mønstre, i forskellige farver og stof og jeg vil vise, dem jeg har. Jeg har ikke fået tilbehør med på alle billeder, så jeg har taget et billede af de forskellige ting. Alle sæt havde sko med, ikke altid i matchende farver, mange havde en af 2 typer plastikhåndtasker heller ikke altid i matchende farver. Nogle havde en lille skottehund med, nogle solbriller, nogle plastikorkideer og nogle folderen.
Here are some accessories, I have 5 different color shoes, a lot of different handbags, as they were used by other manufactors too, the scottie with the plastic leash, sunglasses, orchid and a booklet.
Her er Babs sko i de forskellige farver jeg har, håndtasker har jeg mange af, men de samme blev også brugt af andre fabrikanter, solbriller, den lille skotte med original snor, orkidé og folder.
Let's Dance. This is one of those outfits I'm looking for.
Dette er det ene af de to outfits jeg leder efter.
Let's Dance
Golden Charmer
Walking The Dog 2 versions
Beach Beauty versions, some complete.
Summer Delight, a very rare outfit to find but I got one more shown on the next picture.
Meget sjældent at finde, men jeg har en version mere, vises på næste billede.
Summer Delight looks fab on Bild-Lilli, my Babs dolls are still in storage as my new doll room is not ready yet since my moove.
Summer Delight, very different from the boxed version.
Meget forskellig fra udgaven i boksen.
Let's Go Formal, there should be a wisp of tull to these.
Der skulle være tylssjal til disse.
Slim Silhuettes versions with BCCHK tag
Slim Silhuettes with HK tag. I'm sure they are for Babs, no 3 from the left is exactly like the dress to the right shown in the previous picture.
Light Of Love
Date Bait
Rip Tide
Slack Suit
This may also be Slack Suit here shown on Sylvie but this outfit has a paper tag saying Made in Hong Kong.
Cumberbund Cutie versions.Just as I believe that's that a new variant turns up and I have to take new pictures, now I got 10 of these.
Ain't She Cute
Shopper Stopper
This could be a version of Floradora, here on Annette by Eegee, it has a Hong Kong paper tag.
Dette kunne være Floradora, men den har papirmærke Made in Hong Kong.
Bon Voyage
Bon Voyage, not mine unfortunately, I borrowed this picture from ebay and wanted to show that the outfit alsocame in a blue version.
Desværre ikke mit sæt, jeg har lånt billedet fra ebay for at vise, at sættet også blev lavet i blåt.
Sugar 'n Spice
Sun-back Sensation
Pastel Parfait. The 2 dresses from the right in the top row have skirts attached but the rest doesn'n.
2 more Pastel Parfait
Peek-A-Boo, the first 2 dresses to the left has the same skirt but different tops. To this outfit there should be a white satin bra, I don't have the original.
Kjolen til venstre og den i midten har samme skørt men toppen er lavet af forskelligt gennemsigtigt stof. Der skal være en satin bh til sættet, jeg har ikke den originale.
Formal Reception
My Babs dolls are still stored after my moving house so Bild-Lilli is modeling this version of Formal Reception.
One more Formal Reception
Yet another Formal Reception version
This is a version of Formal reception, unfortunately it has been shortened.
Big Bertha
RSVP, the white is missing the matching bolero.
Den hvide kjole mangler sin bolero i samme stof.
Pert & Pretty
3 versions of Pert & Pretty, I just found the green version in Germany and it's properly tagged with the BCCHK tag.
Bare Midriff. I have seen Hong Kong-Lilli dolls sold with a similar outfit only the top is orange and the shorts are grey I think.
Jeg har set Hong Kong-Lilli dukker solgt med den samme type tøj, her er toppen bare orange og shortsene er grå såvidt jeg husker.
Puttin' On The Ritz is the second outfit I'm missing in my collection.
Dette er det andet outfit som mangler i min samling.
Dream Girl
Femme Fatale, the black one is the most common. The shawl is not part of the outfit shown in the booklet.
Den sort udgave er den mest almindelige, sjalet hører ikke til ifølge folderen fra Fab-Lu.
Arabesque, this is Fab-Lu's promotion outfit for Babs. The version to the left is the most common, the version with the red pants is very unusual.
Arabesque er det sæt Fab-Lu har brugt som reklame for Babs. Versionen til venstre er den mest almindelige, den med de røde bukser er meget usædvanlig.
Arabesque in box, a very unusual version with brown pants.
En meget usædvanlig version med brune bukser.
Arabesque, well at least I think it is, it's similar to the ones I have with BCCHK tag but it has a paper tag with Made in Hong Kong.
Dette burde være Babs' selvom den ikke har det rigtige mærke men et papirmærke med Made in Hong Kong. Sættet er totalt magen til mine øvrige Arabesque versioner.
Blaze O'Glory
I now have 6 different versions of Blaze O' Glory
Creme Puff - at least the dress to the right. I have come to believe that the dress to the left might be Miss Teenager by Evergreen's dress. I found a picture of a boxed MT outfit and the back shows a dress like the left, which has no bows like the right dress has. They are both marked BCCHK.
Fashion Whirl
Fifth Avenue. If you look carefully you may be able to see that the fabric used for the top is different from the fabric they used to line the jacket. I bet this was not supposed to be so.
Hvis man kigger nøje efter kan man måske se, at det stof man lavede blusen af er anderledes end det, man brugte til at fore jakken med, det er garanteret en fejl.
Fifth Avenue
Evening In Paris. In the booklet you can only see a coat but I got matching dresses to all of the coats (I have a coat that goes with the dress in the middle) and the dresses are all tagged correctly.
I folderen kan man kun se en frakke, men jeg har matchende kjoler til alle mine frakker (jeg har en frakke til kjolen i midten også) og kjolerne er også korrekt mærkede.
Happy Wedding Day!
Happy Wedding Day! I gently took the dress out of the box to take this picture of the outfit on a doll.
Jeg tog forsigtigt kjolen ud af æsken for at tage dette billede af Babs som brud.
This outfit is not in the booklet but it's Babs' for sure.
Dette sæt er ikke i folderen, men det er helt sikkert Babs'
I don't know if this is for Babs but Randy has one exactly like this with an R on it. If it is Babs' it's not in the booklet.
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