This should be Randy
Finally I got a Randy doll and I'm so happy.
2 versions of Randy's promotion outfit
This is not the promotion outfit as I first thought but it's the Bermuda Bound outfit
I now have 5 Randy with short hair.
My newest Randy, finally a blonde.
Another picture of Randy wearing the outfit called Queen Of The Courts which is exactly like the one I have.
Et andet billede af Randy i sættet som hedder Queen Of The Courts, det er nøjagtigt som det jeg har.
Queen Of The Courts. This is not like the outfit shown in the booklet but it's Randy's for sure.
This is the version of Queen of the Courts shown in the catalogue
Randy's outfit Special Occations Only I now own 4 versions of this.
I just got my 5th version of Special Occation Only and I know there are more, I have seen others
These are not Randy outfits but looks just like it. The left looks like Sleep Tight! and the right outfit looks like Flair For Fun. I do have the Sleep Tight! outfit too.
Dette er ikke Randy outfits men ser ud som de originale. Til venstre er det Sleep Tight! og til højre Flair For Fun. Jeg har det originale Sleep Tight! sæt.
Everybody's Sweetheart
I had hoped this was going to be Randy's outfit Jumping Jiminy! but it's not, it's not tagged so it has to be a Bobby outfit, I have a picture of that NRFB.
Tea For Two
Outdoor Girl
Sleep Tight!
Home Alone
Randy Clam Digger, I forgot to show shoes and it's missing a table cloth
This outfit is called Park Avenue
Beauty And The Beast, well, at least a similar outfit but it's not Randy's as it doesn't have the BCCHK tag.
Det er et sæt som Randy's men har ikke det rigtige mærke.
This is the real Beauty and the Beast Randy outfit, I was bidding on it but unfortunately I didn't win, so the picture is from ebay and I'll remove it if asked.
Dette er det rigtige Beauty and the Beast Randy sæt, jeg bød på det, men blev overbudt desværre. Billedet er fra ebay og vil blive fjernet, hvis jeg bliver bedt om det.
Randy in Let It Rain! I just found the outfit to the left here in Denmark, marked BCCHK
Randy by Fab-Lu was a relatively unknown doll, when I started collecting about 17 years ago. I had been searching for her for years but had little luck till now, it seems I can find her often in UK at this time so all of a sudden I have 6 Randy dolls, most of them may have been sold as Mary-Lou in UK. The doll showing the Randy outfit in the Fab-Lu booklet is Tammy by Ideal and Randy is a Tammy clone. I did get hold of some pictures from a booklet by Chad Valley who took over after Fab-Lu lost a lawsuit to Ideal but that's all. I have got some of Randy's outfits and I will show them here.Randy had 18 outfits and several of them are copies of Tammy outfits.
Randy er en noget ukendt dukke, da jeg startede med at samle for 17 år siden. Jeg ledte efter hende i flere år før jeg fandt den første. Nu har jeg fundet 5, de fleste i England, hvor den blev solgt som Mary-Lou. Fab-Lu brugte en Tammydukke til at vise deres Randy tøj i deres folder. Jeg fik dog for ikke så længe siden nogle billeder fra en Chad Valley folder, det er det firma som overtog Fab-Lu efter at de tabte en retssag til Ideal, som har lavet Tammy. Jeg har nogle Randy outfits og vil vise dem her. Randy har 18 sæt tøj og adskillige af dem er kopier af Tammy outfits.
This should be Randy
Finally I got a Randy doll and I'm so happy.
2 versions of Randy's promotion outfit
This is not the promotion outfit as I first thought but it's the Bermuda Bound outfit
I now have 5 Randy with short hair.
My newest Randy, finally a blonde.
Another picture of Randy wearing the outfit called Queen Of The Courts which is exactly like the one I have.
Et andet billede af Randy i sættet som hedder Queen Of The Courts, det er nøjagtigt som det jeg har.
Queen Of The Courts. This is not like the outfit shown in the booklet but it's Randy's for sure.
This is the version of Queen of the Courts shown in the catalogue
Randy's outfit Special Occations Only I now own 4 versions of this.
I just got my 5th version of Special Occation Only and I know there are more, I have seen others
These are not Randy outfits but looks just like it. The left looks like Sleep Tight! and the right outfit looks like Flair For Fun. I do have the Sleep Tight! outfit too.
Dette er ikke Randy outfits men ser ud som de originale. Til venstre er det Sleep Tight! og til højre Flair For Fun. Jeg har det originale Sleep Tight! sæt.
Everybody's Sweetheart
I had hoped this was going to be Randy's outfit Jumping Jiminy! but it's not, it's not tagged so it has to be a Bobby outfit, I have a picture of that NRFB.
Tea For Two
Outdoor Girl
Sleep Tight!
Home Alone
Randy Clam Digger, I forgot to show shoes and it's missing a table cloth
This outfit is called Park Avenue
Beauty And The Beast, well, at least a similar outfit but it's not Randy's as it doesn't have the BCCHK tag.
Det er et sæt som Randy's men har ikke det rigtige mærke.
This is the real Beauty and the Beast Randy outfit, I was bidding on it but unfortunately I didn't win, so the picture is from ebay and I'll remove it if asked.
Dette er det rigtige Beauty and the Beast Randy sæt, jeg bød på det, men blev overbudt desværre. Billedet er fra ebay og vil blive fjernet, hvis jeg bliver bedt om det.
Randy in Let It Rain! I just found the outfit to the left here in Denmark, marked BCCHK
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