I just got the most beautiful mint 1st version AC Tressy, found in Denmark
Mint 1st version AC Tressy with mint outfit and keay
1964 1st version AC Tressy in original outfit with key for her grow hair mechanism. The difference between this version and 2nd version is that this doll's legs shapes a V when she is sitting down and she has longer arms than the rest of the AC Tressy dolls.
Første version AC Tressy i originalt tøj og med nøgle til hårmekanismen. Forskellen på hende og 2. version er, at hendes ben går ud i et V, når hun sidder ned og at hun har længere arme end resten af AC Tressy dukkerne.
Close-up of 1st version AC Tressy, I have 3 of those.
Nærbillede af mine 3 første version AC Tressy.
1964 2nd version AC Tressy in original outfit and with key.
2. version AC Tressy i original kjole og med nøgle.
My 2 2nd version Tressy from 1964.
1965 3rd version Tressy with make-up face. She came with the same outfit as the early AC Tressy dolls. Read more on the Tressy.com page. The doll to the left was found in Denmark by a friend, a bit od since I believe only Palitoy Tressy were sold here.
3. version Tressy med make-up ansigt. Hun kom med samme tøj som de tidligere. Læs mere på Tressy.com. Dukken til venstre er fundet i Danmark af en ven, lidt mærkeligt da de Tressy dukker der blev solgt i Danmark ellers var fra Palitoy.
1965 4th version of AC Tressy called Mod in original outfit (not original belt) and with box. AC re-used 2nd version Tressy's box and just placed a label on the lower part and on the button until they run out I guess and gave her a new design box. The same was done with 3rd version Tressy's box.
4. version AC Tressy med originalt tøj (ikke bæltet) og æske. AC genbrugte 2. version Tressy's æske, man klistrede bare ny mærkat på nederst på æsken og på bunden, indtil man udgik for gamle æske tænker jeg, for ma
1965 4th version AC Tressy with make-up face.
4. udgave AC Tressy med make-up ansigt.
1964 Mary Make-up in original dress, it also came in a blue version. She has no grow hair function.
Mary Make-up i original kjole, der er også en blå version af denne. Hun har ikke hår, der kan gro.
I have 2 very different Mary Make-up dolls, the one to the left looks like 3rd version Tressy and the one to the right looks more like 4th version Tressy.
Jeg har 2 meget forskellige Mary Make-up dukker, den til venstre ligner mest 3. version Tressy og den til højre ligner 4. version Tressy.
1965 Cricket with growing hair in original outfit and with her stand and box and booklet. She is the 4th version Cricket but the first grow hair Cricket. The first 3 version Cricket was sold as Tressy's little cousin but this was sold as Tressy's little sister, read more on Tressy.com.
4. version Cricket men første med gro-hår funktion i originalt tøj og med stand, folder og æske. De første Cricket dukker blev solgt som Tressys lille kusine, men denne er solgt som Tressys lille søster, læs mere på Tressy.com.
4th version Cricket with hair in original hair-do.
Håret er som det var da hun blev solgt.
Evening Jewel, both versions I believe both from AC
Summertime. The hat is white but not the right one. This dress came in variations.
Det er en hvid hat men ikke den rigtige til denne kjole, der også kom i andre versioner.
2 versions of Town and Country, which is the American name for this outfit. The Palitoy name is Walk in the Park and in different print. The dog is the real dalmation but this one has no spots.
2 amerikanske udgaver af Town and Country, som er det amerikanske navn for sættet. Palitoy kaldte det Walk in the Park og den er lidt anderledes. Hunden er en dalmatiner og den originale til dette sæt, denne er dog uden pletter.
The dress to the left is from USA and called Sugar 'n Spice. The dress to the right was found in Denmark and I believe it's the UK version called After Six.
Kjolen til venstre er den amerikanske version som hedder Sugar 'n Spice, den til højre blev fundet i Danmark og jeg tror det er den engelske version som hedder After Six.
Blue Ribbon Winner missing the blue ribbon with gold medallion center, the book 'How to train dogs' and the dog. I have seen another version of this dress.
Her mangler den blå roset med guldmedalje i midten, en bog om, hvordan man træner hunde og hunden. Jeg har set den kjole i en anden version også.
Summer Outing. The bag is not the right one, it should be smaller but the same shape.
Tasken er ikke den rigtige, den skal være samme facon men mindre.
Chit Chat. I have seen a boxed outfit with a black telephone but I don't know if the dress was sold with the telephone in different colors. I have seen different variations in the fabric used for this dress.
Jeg har set et sæt i den originale pakning og her var telefonen sort, måske blev kjolen solgt med andre farver telefon. Jeg har også set andre farvevariationer af kjolen.
Window Shopping in USA and Lunching Out in UK.
Sophisticated Lady. I have seen a red version too.
Jeg har set en rød udgave også.
Hootenany. The sneakers should be brown and I'm missing the harmonica. The outfit is shown on a 1st version Palitoy Tresse but I got it in USA. The name of the outfit is the same in USA, UK and France but called Fernweh in Germany.
Jeg mangler brune sneakers og en mundharmonika til dette sæt. Det er en Palitoy Tressy som viser sættet, men dette er købt i USA. Sættet hedder det samme i USA, England og Frankrig, men det hedder Fernweh i Tyskland.
This is called Bowling in every country it was sold. It's the only carded Tressy outfit I have and I found it in USA. Unfortunately the cello on top is missing because the seller placed tape on it and because of that the bowling ball is missing.
Sættet hedder Bowling i alle de lande, hvor det blev solgt. Jeg fandt det i USA og det er det eneste Tressy sæt jeg har på originalt pap. Desværre mangler celofanen på toppen fordi sælger havde sat tape på og derfor mangler bowlingkuglen også.
This outfit is called Bewitching and is shown by a Palitoy 1st version Tressy.
Bewitching hedder dette sæt og det bliver vist af en Palitoy 1. version Tressy.
This is Executive Sweet on 3rd version Palitoy Tressy
Executive Sweet på 3. version Palitoy Tressy
Miss Surburbia in mint and complete condition with the grey shorts, the outfit with the pink shorts needs new stockings but the rest is also in mint condition.
I ubrugt stand og komplet med grå shorts, det med pink shorts kan bruge nye strømper men resten er også i fin ubrugt stand.
3 times Walk in the Park, to the left AC Tressy in AC version, in the middle Marilyn by Bella in another AC version and to the right it's Palitoy Tressy in the Palitoy version.
2 Versions of the Chic Shift dress
Summer Holiday
This dress is called Worlds Fair, the hat is not the right one and the short white gloves and the camera is misssing and there should be black shoes should. The blue is for sure this dress, the one to the right I just found in Denmark, it's a bit smaller but the lace trim is the same kind on both dresses.
The outfit is called Shutterbug.
School Days missing a red apple and a strap with books. She borrowed a pair of Skipper's shoes.
Mangler et rødt æble og en sort strop med bøger. Hun har lånt et par af Skippers sko.
This is called Party Pretty in USA and Party Time in UK. Missing a pair of white shoes.
Det hedder Party Pretty i USA og Party Time i England. Der mangler et par hvide sko.
This is the dress for the outfit called T.V. Time and it was made for Cricket . Missing is stockings/pantyhose in the same fabric as the top and a TV.
Kjolen til dette sæt blev lavet til Cricket i USA. Her mangler strømper/strømpebukser i samme stof som toppen og et TV.
The dress on the top is Sweet Treat made for Cricket in USA. The dress below was found in Denmark and expect for the color it's exactly like the top dress. It might have been made for Toots as it's I have found some Palitoy Tressy outfits in Denmark but never AC outfits. Thanks for the help, Linda.
Den øverste kjole hedder Sweet Treat og blev lavet til Cricket i USA. Den nederste kjole er fundet i Danmark og er måske lavet til Palitoy Toots. Jeg har fundet Palitoy tøj i Danmark men aldrig AC tøj, så det er det mest sansynlige. Tak for hjælpen, Linda.
This album will show my Tressy dolls, Tressy's sister Cricket and her friend Mary Make-up. I will also show the outfits I have. Those outfits were also made by Palitoy and some of them were sold by Bella too and maybe some of the other who had license to make Tressy dolls but I don't know much about that I must confess. I'll mention the names the outfits were called in USA and in UK. The outfits shown here were all purchased in USA.
Dette album vil vise min samling af Tressy dukker, Tressys søster Cricket og hendes veninde Mary Make-up. Jeg vil også vise det tøj jeg har, det blev også solgt i England og noget af det også i Frankrig, og måske også af de øvrige som havde licens fra AC, men jeg ved ikke forfærdelig meget om dette emne må jeg tilstå. Jeg vil nævne det navn sættene blev kaldt i USA og i England. Tøjet i dette album er alt sammen købt i USA.
I just got the most beautiful mint 1st version AC Tressy, found in Denmark
Mint 1st version AC Tressy with mint outfit and keay
1964 1st version AC Tressy in original outfit with key for her grow hair mechanism. The difference between this version and 2nd version is that this doll's legs shapes a V when she is sitting down and she has longer arms than the rest of the AC Tressy dolls.
Første version AC Tressy i originalt tøj og med nøgle til hårmekanismen. Forskellen på hende og 2. version er, at hendes ben går ud i et V, når hun sidder ned og at hun har længere arme end resten af AC Tressy dukkerne.
Close-up of 1st version AC Tressy, I have 3 of those.
Nærbillede af mine 3 første version AC Tressy.
1964 2nd version AC Tressy in original outfit and with key.
2. version AC Tressy i original kjole og med nøgle.
My 2 2nd version Tressy from 1964.
1965 3rd version Tressy with make-up face. She came with the same outfit as the early AC Tressy dolls. Read more on the Tressy.com page. The doll to the left was found in Denmark by a friend, a bit od since I believe only Palitoy Tressy were sold here.
3. version Tressy med make-up ansigt. Hun kom med samme tøj som de tidligere. Læs mere på Tressy.com. Dukken til venstre er fundet i Danmark af en ven, lidt mærkeligt da de Tressy dukker der blev solgt i Danmark ellers var fra Palitoy.
1965 4th version of AC Tressy called Mod in original outfit (not original belt) and with box. AC re-used 2nd version Tressy's box and just placed a label on the lower part and on the button until they run out I guess and gave her a new design box. The same was done with 3rd version Tressy's box.
4. version AC Tressy med originalt tøj (ikke bæltet) og æske. AC genbrugte 2. version Tressy's æske, man klistrede bare ny mærkat på nederst på æsken og på bunden, indtil man udgik for gamle æske tænker jeg, for ma
1965 4th version AC Tressy with make-up face.
4. udgave AC Tressy med make-up ansigt.
1964 Mary Make-up in original dress, it also came in a blue version. She has no grow hair function.
Mary Make-up i original kjole, der er også en blå version af denne. Hun har ikke hår, der kan gro.
I have 2 very different Mary Make-up dolls, the one to the left looks like 3rd version Tressy and the one to the right looks more like 4th version Tressy.
Jeg har 2 meget forskellige Mary Make-up dukker, den til venstre ligner mest 3. version Tressy og den til højre ligner 4. version Tressy.
1965 Cricket with growing hair in original outfit and with her stand and box and booklet. She is the 4th version Cricket but the first grow hair Cricket. The first 3 version Cricket was sold as Tressy's little cousin but this was sold as Tressy's little sister, read more on Tressy.com.
4. version Cricket men første med gro-hår funktion i originalt tøj og med stand, folder og æske. De første Cricket dukker blev solgt som Tressys lille kusine, men denne er solgt som Tressys lille søster, læs mere på Tressy.com.
4th version Cricket with hair in original hair-do.
Håret er som det var da hun blev solgt.
Evening Jewel, both versions I believe both from AC
Summertime. The hat is white but not the right one. This dress came in variations.
Det er en hvid hat men ikke den rigtige til denne kjole, der også kom i andre versioner.
2 versions of Town and Country, which is the American name for this outfit. The Palitoy name is Walk in the Park and in different print. The dog is the real dalmation but this one has no spots.
2 amerikanske udgaver af Town and Country, som er det amerikanske navn for sættet. Palitoy kaldte det Walk in the Park og den er lidt anderledes. Hunden er en dalmatiner og den originale til dette sæt, denne er dog uden pletter.
The dress to the left is from USA and called Sugar 'n Spice. The dress to the right was found in Denmark and I believe it's the UK version called After Six.
Kjolen til venstre er den amerikanske version som hedder Sugar 'n Spice, den til højre blev fundet i Danmark og jeg tror det er den engelske version som hedder After Six.
Blue Ribbon Winner missing the blue ribbon with gold medallion center, the book 'How to train dogs' and the dog. I have seen another version of this dress.
Her mangler den blå roset med guldmedalje i midten, en bog om, hvordan man træner hunde og hunden. Jeg har set den kjole i en anden version også.
Summer Outing. The bag is not the right one, it should be smaller but the same shape.
Tasken er ikke den rigtige, den skal være samme facon men mindre.
Chit Chat. I have seen a boxed outfit with a black telephone but I don't know if the dress was sold with the telephone in different colors. I have seen different variations in the fabric used for this dress.
Jeg har set et sæt i den originale pakning og her var telefonen sort, måske blev kjolen solgt med andre farver telefon. Jeg har også set andre farvevariationer af kjolen.
Window Shopping in USA and Lunching Out in UK.
Sophisticated Lady. I have seen a red version too.
Jeg har set en rød udgave også.
Hootenany. The sneakers should be brown and I'm missing the harmonica. The outfit is shown on a 1st version Palitoy Tresse but I got it in USA. The name of the outfit is the same in USA, UK and France but called Fernweh in Germany.
Jeg mangler brune sneakers og en mundharmonika til dette sæt. Det er en Palitoy Tressy som viser sættet, men dette er købt i USA. Sættet hedder det samme i USA, England og Frankrig, men det hedder Fernweh i Tyskland.
This is called Bowling in every country it was sold. It's the only carded Tressy outfit I have and I found it in USA. Unfortunately the cello on top is missing because the seller placed tape on it and because of that the bowling ball is missing.
Sættet hedder Bowling i alle de lande, hvor det blev solgt. Jeg fandt det i USA og det er det eneste Tressy sæt jeg har på originalt pap. Desværre mangler celofanen på toppen fordi sælger havde sat tape på og derfor mangler bowlingkuglen også.
This outfit is called Bewitching and is shown by a Palitoy 1st version Tressy.
Bewitching hedder dette sæt og det bliver vist af en Palitoy 1. version Tressy.
This is Executive Sweet on 3rd version Palitoy Tressy
Executive Sweet på 3. version Palitoy Tressy
Miss Surburbia in mint and complete condition with the grey shorts, the outfit with the pink shorts needs new stockings but the rest is also in mint condition.
I ubrugt stand og komplet med grå shorts, det med pink shorts kan bruge nye strømper men resten er også i fin ubrugt stand.
3 times Walk in the Park, to the left AC Tressy in AC version, in the middle Marilyn by Bella in another AC version and to the right it's Palitoy Tressy in the Palitoy version.
2 Versions of the Chic Shift dress
Summer Holiday
This dress is called Worlds Fair, the hat is not the right one and the short white gloves and the camera is misssing and there should be black shoes should. The blue is for sure this dress, the one to the right I just found in Denmark, it's a bit smaller but the lace trim is the same kind on both dresses.
The outfit is called Shutterbug.
School Days missing a red apple and a strap with books. She borrowed a pair of Skipper's shoes.
Mangler et rødt æble og en sort strop med bøger. Hun har lånt et par af Skippers sko.
This is called Party Pretty in USA and Party Time in UK. Missing a pair of white shoes.
Det hedder Party Pretty i USA og Party Time i England. Der mangler et par hvide sko.
This is the dress for the outfit called T.V. Time and it was made for Cricket . Missing is stockings/pantyhose in the same fabric as the top and a TV.
Kjolen til dette sæt blev lavet til Cricket i USA. Her mangler strømper/strømpebukser i samme stof som toppen og et TV.
The dress on the top is Sweet Treat made for Cricket in USA. The dress below was found in Denmark and expect for the color it's exactly like the top dress. It might have been made for Toots as it's I have found some Palitoy Tressy outfits in Denmark but never AC outfits. Thanks for the help, Linda.
Den øverste kjole hedder Sweet Treat og blev lavet til Cricket i USA. Den nederste kjole er fundet i Danmark og er måske lavet til Palitoy Toots. Jeg har fundet Palitoy tøj i Danmark men aldrig AC tøj, så det er det mest sansynlige. Tak for hjælpen, Linda.
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