I believe the blonde came with the yellow dress but I'm not sure about the other colors. The pale pink to the right may just have paled and I'm not sure if the panties are the right ones.
Wonderful blonde girl found in Sweden.
3 1st version Palitoy Tressy dolls, the doll to the left is marked AC and the early Palitoy Tressy dolls were marked this way, the other 2 are not marked. The doll to the left has bangs, I can't tell if she has had a haircut but of course she might as this version Tressy was made with the longer hair as seen on the other 2 dolls.
3 1. version Palitoy Tressy, dukken til venstre er mærket AC og de tidlige Palitoy dukker var mærket sådan. De 2 øvrige er umærkede. Dukken til venstre har p
These should also be 1st version Tressy by Palitoy, the doll to the left is AC marked and the other 2 dolls are unmarked. I have however had my doubts with the doll to the left and compared her with the ones I believe are Bella dolls and she looks more like the Palitoy dolls.
Dette skulle være 3 1st version Palitoy Tressy, den til venstre er mærket AC og de 2 øvrige er umærkede. Jeg har haft mine tvivl mht om dukken til venstre er fra Palitoy, men når jeg sammenligner hende med de Bella dukker jeg har, synes jeg mere hun ligner Palitoy Tressy.
These 2 is not marked and are later 1st version Palitoy Tressy dolls. The doll to the right is the original owner of most of my Palitoy Tressy outfits and was found in a wonderful lot in a second hand show in Denmark.
Disse 2 er ikke mærkede og derfor senere udgaver af Palitoy Tressy. Dukken til venstre er den oprindelige ejer af det meste af det Palitoy tøj jeg har og blev fundet i et antikvariat i Danmark.
2nd version Palitoy Tressy from 1969-1973.
The 2 2nd version Tressy dolls and a clone doll are wearing dresses by Faerie Glen in UK.
Kjolerne er lavet af Faerie Glen i England.
1967 Palitoy's version of Mary Make-up with original hairband
Original dresses and head band for Mary Make-up
1976 3rd version Palitoy Tressy
1976 3rd version Tressy with original box and accessories, the box is pretty battered but the doll and accessories are in mint condition
1979 4th version Palitoy Tressy.
Unknown dress
1965 Palitoy Tressy's little sister Toots. She was sold with a white ballet outfit and white pumps. It's the same outfit that Cricket is wearing in my AC album.
Toots er Tressys lillesøster i Palitoys udgave. Hun blev solgt med en hvid balletkjole og hvide sko. Det er samme sæt som jeg viser på Cricket i mit AC album.
Leather Look is a complete outfit with the chain necklace, the black vinyl gloves the umbrella, the purse and the very hard to find short black boots. This outfit was also found in Denmark with many of the other Palitoy outfits and this doll is the original owner of those.
Sættet er komplet med halskæden, de sorte vinylhandsker, paraplyen, skuldertasken og de meget sjældne korte sorte støvler. Dette sæt har jeg også fundet i Danmark med mange af de øvrige Palitoy sæt og dukken er den oprindelige ejer af tøjet.
This beautiful and complete outfit is called Evening Date and from the Danish lot and I love it. I'm showing it on a 3rd version Bella Tressy.
Dette vidunderlige sæt hedder Evening Date og er komplet. Det er fra det store danske lot og jeg elsker det. Jeg viser det på en 3. udgave Bella Tressy
Airhostess found in Denmark. I'm missing the tray with, a piece a pie, a napkin and fork, knife and spoon.
Fundet i Danmark, jeg mangler en bakke, et stykke tærte, en serviet og service.
Shaking The Night Away. The darker version is a Palitoy version and I got it in a large lot in Denmark. The other version might be a Bella version and it has no tag. Complete outfit.
Den mørke version er fra Palitoy og jeg har fundet den i et større lot i Danmark, den lysere er måske Bella-udgaven og er ikke mærket. Sættet er komplet.
In The Office is a complete outfit and was found in Denmark.
In The Office er komplet og fundet i Danmark.
In Holiday Mood is a complete outfit to the left found in Denmark. I also found the blue version to the right in Denmark, don't really know if it's for Palitoy Tressy but for sure it's that outfit but marked Hong Kong.
Komplet sæt fundet i Danmark.
Winter Sporty is not complete. I don't think the boots are right and the skater blades are not but just shown to illustrate how a complete outfit looks.
Ikke komplet, støvlerne tror jeg ikke er de rigtige og skøjtebladene ved jeg ikke er, jeg har bare vedlagt dem for at vise, hvordan et komplet sæt ser ud.
This is called Beauty Sleep and from the great Danish lot. I got these accessories to the outfit but I have seen another version with a different kind of bag and without comp, brush and morrow. I'm missing the hotwater bottle and the slippers.
Sættet hedder Beauty Sleep of stammer fra det vidunderlige lot jeg fandt i Danmark. Jeg har set en anden version med en anderledes toilettaske og uden kam, børste og spejl. Jeg mangler en varmedunk og nogle slippers.
A complete outfit called Undie Fashion and made by Palitoy also from the Danish lot.
Et komplet sæt Undie Fashion fra Palitoy, kom også med det store danske lot.
Winter Journey is almost complete. The suitcase should be the same blue color as the vanity case. The boots on the doll wearing the coat to this outfits are the correct ones.
Ikke helt komplet men næsten. Kufferten skulle være samme blå farve som den lille, tja jeg ved egentlig ikke hvad jeg skal kalde en sådan på dansk, men sminketaske måske. Støvlerne på dukken, der har frakken på til sættet, er de originale støvler.
The outfit to the left is a Palitoy version called On Park Lane, to the left it's the AC version called Fifth Avenue, both are tagged as they should be. The middle one I just found here in Denmark,and I just found out it's designed for Tania, I saw a MOC picture of it
Shopping in Town. It would be a complete outfit if I could only find one more orange glove.
Det ville være et komplet sæt hvis bare jeg kunne finde den anden orange handske.
The Palitoy version of Walk in the Park
This is a blue version of In My Solitud, the ankle boots should be white and there should be a black vinyl purse with white handles.
This outfit is called Gala Occasion
Coffee Brake
This is a version of Ascot Outing, missing the cape in same fabric.
She is wearing the pants from Saturday Morning missing the white blouse and a matching scarf.
Toots by Palitoy sold as Tressy's little sister. She is wearing Ship Ahoy missing the teleskope and the correct white sneakers.
Toots blev solgt som Tressys lillesøster i England. Hun har et sæt på der hedder Ship Ahoy, her mangler en teleskopkikkert og de originale hvide sneakers.
This dress is called Little Painter in UK and Happy Hobby in USA and it came with a colorbook, colors and a brush and white pumps.
Sættet hedder Little Painter i England og Happy Hobby i USA. Der skal være en malebog, farver og en pensel til sættet og hvide pumps.
This is Winter Weekend but far from complete. Missing is a blue hat, red skis, white mittens and the correct white boots.
Her mangler en blå hue, hvide vanter, røde ski og de korrekte hvide støvler.
This is Pick of The Pops in UK and Mad Music in USA. Missing is a red skirt.
Her mangler en rød nederdel.
Silky made 1976-1979 by Bradgate, a subsidiary of Palitoy. She is mint in box but the box is not mint at all :D
Silky blev lavet af Bradgate, der var et datterselskab af Palitoy. Hun er som ny, men det kan man ikke sige om æsken :D.
She has all her accessories in her box.
Hun har alt sit tilbehør i æsken.
I got these 2 items in a Palitoy Tressy lot and suppose they are just that but can't really find out which outfits they may belong to so if anybody can help it will be highly appreciated.
This album will show my Palitoy Tressy collection. Some years ago I came across a Tressy dolls and a lot of outfits in a secondhand shop nearby. I didn't know much about Tressy so I just picked the dolls and a lot of the outfits. When I got home I started looking for informations about the outfits and I believe I had to go back to the shop 3 or 4 times to get all the little accessories I missed from the start. I ended up having several complete or almost complete early Tressy outfits with the Palitoy tag saying: Exclusive Tressy, Empire made. That got me started. About the dolls there are 2 of them with AC markings on the back of the head and they are either early 1st version Palitoy Tressy dolls or by Bella. The unmarked dolls are all by Palitoy. I got my informations from the www.tressydoll.com in the Palitoy section.
Dette album vil vise min Palitoy Tressy samling. For nogle år siden faldt jeg over en Tressy dukke og en del tøj i en genbrugsbutik i nærheden. Jeg vidste ikke meget om Tressy så jeg valgte bare dukke og noget tøj på må og få. Så gik jeg hjem og søgte informationer om tøjet, jeg tror jeg vendte tilbage til forretningen 3 eller 4 gange, før jeg havde fundet alle de smådele der hørte til sættene. Jeg endte med at have en del komplette eller næsten komplette sæt til Palitoy Tressy med mærke som siger: Exclusive Tressy, Empire made. Det var starten på Tressy samlingen. Om dukkerne kan jeg sige, at 2 har AC mærkning i nakken og kunne være Bella Tressy mens resten er umærkede og helt afgjort Palitoy Tressy. Jeg har mine informationer fra www.tressydoll.com i Palitoy afdelingen.
I believe the blonde came with the yellow dress but I'm not sure about the other colors. The pale pink to the right may just have paled and I'm not sure if the panties are the right ones.
Wonderful blonde girl found in Sweden.
3 1st version Palitoy Tressy dolls, the doll to the left is marked AC and the early Palitoy Tressy dolls were marked this way, the other 2 are not marked. The doll to the left has bangs, I can't tell if she has had a haircut but of course she might as this version Tressy was made with the longer hair as seen on the other 2 dolls.
3 1. version Palitoy Tressy, dukken til venstre er mærket AC og de tidlige Palitoy dukker var mærket sådan. De 2 øvrige er umærkede. Dukken til venstre har p
These should also be 1st version Tressy by Palitoy, the doll to the left is AC marked and the other 2 dolls are unmarked. I have however had my doubts with the doll to the left and compared her with the ones I believe are Bella dolls and she looks more like the Palitoy dolls.
Dette skulle være 3 1st version Palitoy Tressy, den til venstre er mærket AC og de 2 øvrige er umærkede. Jeg har haft mine tvivl mht om dukken til venstre er fra Palitoy, men når jeg sammenligner hende med de Bella dukker jeg har, synes jeg mere hun ligner Palitoy Tressy.
These 2 is not marked and are later 1st version Palitoy Tressy dolls. The doll to the right is the original owner of most of my Palitoy Tressy outfits and was found in a wonderful lot in a second hand show in Denmark.
Disse 2 er ikke mærkede og derfor senere udgaver af Palitoy Tressy. Dukken til venstre er den oprindelige ejer af det meste af det Palitoy tøj jeg har og blev fundet i et antikvariat i Danmark.
2nd version Palitoy Tressy from 1969-1973.
The 2 2nd version Tressy dolls and a clone doll are wearing dresses by Faerie Glen in UK.
Kjolerne er lavet af Faerie Glen i England.
1967 Palitoy's version of Mary Make-up with original hairband
Original dresses and head band for Mary Make-up
1976 3rd version Palitoy Tressy
1976 3rd version Tressy with original box and accessories, the box is pretty battered but the doll and accessories are in mint condition
1979 4th version Palitoy Tressy.
Unknown dress
1965 Palitoy Tressy's little sister Toots. She was sold with a white ballet outfit and white pumps. It's the same outfit that Cricket is wearing in my AC album.
Toots er Tressys lillesøster i Palitoys udgave. Hun blev solgt med en hvid balletkjole og hvide sko. Det er samme sæt som jeg viser på Cricket i mit AC album.
Leather Look is a complete outfit with the chain necklace, the black vinyl gloves the umbrella, the purse and the very hard to find short black boots. This outfit was also found in Denmark with many of the other Palitoy outfits and this doll is the original owner of those.
Sættet er komplet med halskæden, de sorte vinylhandsker, paraplyen, skuldertasken og de meget sjældne korte sorte støvler. Dette sæt har jeg også fundet i Danmark med mange af de øvrige Palitoy sæt og dukken er den oprindelige ejer af tøjet.
This beautiful and complete outfit is called Evening Date and from the Danish lot and I love it. I'm showing it on a 3rd version Bella Tressy.
Dette vidunderlige sæt hedder Evening Date og er komplet. Det er fra det store danske lot og jeg elsker det. Jeg viser det på en 3. udgave Bella Tressy
Airhostess found in Denmark. I'm missing the tray with, a piece a pie, a napkin and fork, knife and spoon.
Fundet i Danmark, jeg mangler en bakke, et stykke tærte, en serviet og service.
Shaking The Night Away. The darker version is a Palitoy version and I got it in a large lot in Denmark. The other version might be a Bella version and it has no tag. Complete outfit.
Den mørke version er fra Palitoy og jeg har fundet den i et større lot i Danmark, den lysere er måske Bella-udgaven og er ikke mærket. Sættet er komplet.
In The Office is a complete outfit and was found in Denmark.
In The Office er komplet og fundet i Danmark.
In Holiday Mood is a complete outfit to the left found in Denmark. I also found the blue version to the right in Denmark, don't really know if it's for Palitoy Tressy but for sure it's that outfit but marked Hong Kong.
Komplet sæt fundet i Danmark.
Winter Sporty is not complete. I don't think the boots are right and the skater blades are not but just shown to illustrate how a complete outfit looks.
Ikke komplet, støvlerne tror jeg ikke er de rigtige og skøjtebladene ved jeg ikke er, jeg har bare vedlagt dem for at vise, hvordan et komplet sæt ser ud.
This is called Beauty Sleep and from the great Danish lot. I got these accessories to the outfit but I have seen another version with a different kind of bag and without comp, brush and morrow. I'm missing the hotwater bottle and the slippers.
Sættet hedder Beauty Sleep of stammer fra det vidunderlige lot jeg fandt i Danmark. Jeg har set en anden version med en anderledes toilettaske og uden kam, børste og spejl. Jeg mangler en varmedunk og nogle slippers.
A complete outfit called Undie Fashion and made by Palitoy also from the Danish lot.
Et komplet sæt Undie Fashion fra Palitoy, kom også med det store danske lot.
Winter Journey is almost complete. The suitcase should be the same blue color as the vanity case. The boots on the doll wearing the coat to this outfits are the correct ones.
Ikke helt komplet men næsten. Kufferten skulle være samme blå farve som den lille, tja jeg ved egentlig ikke hvad jeg skal kalde en sådan på dansk, men sminketaske måske. Støvlerne på dukken, der har frakken på til sættet, er de originale støvler.
The outfit to the left is a Palitoy version called On Park Lane, to the left it's the AC version called Fifth Avenue, both are tagged as they should be. The middle one I just found here in Denmark,and I just found out it's designed for Tania, I saw a MOC picture of it
Shopping in Town. It would be a complete outfit if I could only find one more orange glove.
Det ville være et komplet sæt hvis bare jeg kunne finde den anden orange handske.
The Palitoy version of Walk in the Park
This is a blue version of In My Solitud, the ankle boots should be white and there should be a black vinyl purse with white handles.
This outfit is called Gala Occasion
Coffee Brake
This is a version of Ascot Outing, missing the cape in same fabric.
She is wearing the pants from Saturday Morning missing the white blouse and a matching scarf.
Toots by Palitoy sold as Tressy's little sister. She is wearing Ship Ahoy missing the teleskope and the correct white sneakers.
Toots blev solgt som Tressys lillesøster i England. Hun har et sæt på der hedder Ship Ahoy, her mangler en teleskopkikkert og de originale hvide sneakers.
This dress is called Little Painter in UK and Happy Hobby in USA and it came with a colorbook, colors and a brush and white pumps.
Sættet hedder Little Painter i England og Happy Hobby i USA. Der skal være en malebog, farver og en pensel til sættet og hvide pumps.
This is Winter Weekend but far from complete. Missing is a blue hat, red skis, white mittens and the correct white boots.
Her mangler en blå hue, hvide vanter, røde ski og de korrekte hvide støvler.
This is Pick of The Pops in UK and Mad Music in USA. Missing is a red skirt.
Her mangler en rød nederdel.
Silky made 1976-1979 by Bradgate, a subsidiary of Palitoy. She is mint in box but the box is not mint at all :D
Silky blev lavet af Bradgate, der var et datterselskab af Palitoy. Hun er som ny, men det kan man ikke sige om æsken :D.
She has all her accessories in her box.
Hun har alt sit tilbehør i æsken.
I got these 2 items in a Palitoy Tressy lot and suppose they are just that but can't really find out which outfits they may belong to so if anybody can help it will be highly appreciated.
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