#31 Amelia 2 versions, the pink one with the right blouse and the golden one with another blouse.
#32 Aida
#33 Tosca in a version I never saw before this
#35 Lara. I made the belts of some fine leather, I don't know what they were made of original.
Jeg har lavet bælterne af tyndt læder, jeg ved ikke hvad de oprindeligt var lavet af.
#35 Lara
#37 Diana. The hat might not be the right one but it's made of the same fake fur.
Hatten er måske ikke den rigtige men er lavet af samme stof som opslagene på ærmerne.
#40 Kessy. 2 versions maybe from different years.
2 udgaver, måske fra forskellige år.
#42 Bolero
#44 Rendezvous
#45 Tony, the apron is not the right one and the belt/sash (I don't remember the real name for it right now) is also missing.
Forklædet er ikke det rigtige og bæltet mangler.
#46 Marika
#47 Mini
#48 Cocktail
#49 Boulevard I have 2 versions now different in colors and the outfit to the right is complete the one to the left is missing the green turtleneck.
A lot of this year's fashions are missing in my collection and it has to do with the fact that I didn't know what the outfits looked like till they were shown on Linda Clark's Petra page. It's a bit confusing that there are 2 outfits called Mini - #34 and #47 - the difference as far as I can see are the blouses and the skirts. Jeg mangler en del sæt fra dette sortiment, det skyldes at jeg ikke har vidst, hvordan sættene skulle se ud før det lykkedes Linda Clark at få fat i kataloget og lægge det ind på hjemmesiden. Det er lidt forvirrende, at der er 2 sæt som hedder Mini - #34 og #47 - forskellen er bluserne og nederdelene.
#31 Amelia 2 versions, the pink one with the right blouse and the golden one with another blouse.
#32 Aida
#33 Tosca in a version I never saw before this
#35 Lara. I made the belts of some fine leather, I don't know what they were made of original.
Jeg har lavet bælterne af tyndt læder, jeg ved ikke hvad de oprindeligt var lavet af.
#35 Lara
#37 Diana. The hat might not be the right one but it's made of the same fake fur.
Hatten er måske ikke den rigtige men er lavet af samme stof som opslagene på ærmerne.
#40 Kessy. 2 versions maybe from different years.
2 udgaver, måske fra forskellige år.
#42 Bolero
#44 Rendezvous
#45 Tony, the apron is not the right one and the belt/sash (I don't remember the real name for it right now) is also missing.
Forklædet er ikke det rigtige og bæltet mangler.
#46 Marika
#47 Mini
#48 Cocktail
#49 Boulevard I have 2 versions now different in colors and the outfit to the right is complete the one to the left is missing the green turtleneck.
Mere infoKan li'
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