#5801. 2 different coats and 3 different versions of the dress.
2 udgaver af frakken og 3 forskellige udgaver af kjolen.
#5801 Another version of the yellow lace coat but the dress is like the one on the previous picture
Another version of #5801
#5802. 2 different versions, the short veil is the correct one.
2 udgaver af dette sæt, det korte slør er det rigtige.
#5803 This version has the pale pink pants and top but the lace coat is the same.
#5809. I have seen this outfit in a yellow version too.
Jeg har også set dette sæt i en gul udgave.
#5835. The original belt is missing so I replaced it.
Det originale bælte mangler så jeg her erstattet det.
#5839 2 versions
#5841. I got one of the original green felt belts now and I'll take a new picture later.
Jeg har endog et originalt filtbælte nu og vil tage nyt billede senere.
#5842. The outfit to the left is what is shown in the catalogue. The outfit to the right has the same top but I can't find anything in the catalogue pictures that looks like it. Maybe it is the same outfit and they changed from skirt to pants later that year.
Sættet til venstre er det, der er vist i kataloget, jeg kan ikke finde det til højre. Måske skiftede de nederdelen ud med bukser senere det år.
#5850. I simply can't tell from the catalogue picture how the blouse to this outfit should look so they are probably wrong.
Jeg kan simpelthen ikke se, hvordan blusen til dette sæt skal se ud, så de er sikkert forkerte.
I'm missing 1 of the boutique outfits for this year completely and part of one outfit.
Jeg mangler 1 af dette års boutique sæt og dele af et sjette.
#5801. 2 different coats and 3 different versions of the dress.
2 udgaver af frakken og 3 forskellige udgaver af kjolen.
#5801 Another version of the yellow lace coat but the dress is like the one on the previous picture
Another version of #5801
#5802. 2 different versions, the short veil is the correct one.
2 udgaver af dette sæt, det korte slør er det rigtige.
#5803 This version has the pale pink pants and top but the lace coat is the same.
#5809. I have seen this outfit in a yellow version too.
Jeg har også set dette sæt i en gul udgave.
#5835. The original belt is missing so I replaced it.
Det originale bælte mangler så jeg her erstattet det.
#5839 2 versions
#5841. I got one of the original green felt belts now and I'll take a new picture later.
Jeg har endog et originalt filtbælte nu og vil tage nyt billede senere.
#5842. The outfit to the left is what is shown in the catalogue. The outfit to the right has the same top but I can't find anything in the catalogue pictures that looks like it. Maybe it is the same outfit and they changed from skirt to pants later that year.
Sættet til venstre er det, der er vist i kataloget, jeg kan ikke finde det til højre. Måske skiftede de nederdelen ud med bukser senere det år.
#5850. I simply can't tell from the catalogue picture how the blouse to this outfit should look so they are probably wrong.
Jeg kan simpelthen ikke se, hvordan blusen til dette sæt skal se ud, så de er sikkert forkerte.
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