
This is Gitta in her box showing some of the outfits I have. I have learned that the pictures belongs to Susanna Fredriksson in Sweden, I didn't know that but here it is written now.

More outfits to be seen on the box

My Gitta

Gitta with original swimsuit and same type stand as the boxed doll has

This outfit it shown on the box, I don't know for sure if the blouse is right but I actually think so

This outfit is also to be seen on the box

The dress to the right is shown in this tartan fabric but the one to the left is exactly the same

I was contacted by another collector and told that some of the outfits in my Schwabinchen/Betty album probably not were made for Betty in Sweden as I was told earlier but made for a fashion doll marked Made in Hong Kong named Gitta, I have pictures of a box and I'm sure that's how it is. I do have the doll as well I'm sure and I took her for being a Caroline doll made for Åhlens in Sweden but I don't think so now. 

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Nyeste kommentarer

01.12 | 23:15

Hadde også en med hestehale, og et fantastisk vakkert hår, engang. Det tapte seg under vask, var ikke lengre glansfullt og luftig. Vet du hva det er laget av?

24.11 | 05:37

Hi, I was wondering which Petra doll is marked on the back of her neck? Thank you!

20.10 | 14:26

Hallo Annette, could you send me this page? I research Plasty dolls and would be very interested: beatnikx at gmail. com

23.09 | 17:32

Hello, this is called "Beim Fernsehen", which means Watching television.