Grethes Dukketøj with tags
Grethes Dukketøj with tags. It really shows that she was the one making outfits for Caroline etc for Åhlens in Sweden
Grethes Dukketøj with tags. It really shows that she was the one making outfits for Caroline etc for Åhlens in Sweden
Grethes Dukketøj with tags. It really shows that she was the one making outfits for Caroline etc for Åhlens in Sweden
I think this may be made by Gretes Dukketøj but can't be sure.
Jeg tror dette blev lavet af Gretes Dukketøj men er ikke helt sikker.
This is a Danish made dress, I think it was made by the same manufactor as the blue/white Skipper size dress in the next picture.
Dette er en dansk fremstillet kjole, jeg tror den blev lavet samme sted som den blå/hvide Skipper størrelses kjole på næste billede.
Danish Skipper dress maybe Gretes Dukketøj.
Skipperkjolen er måske fra Gretes Dukketøj.
I also believe this is Danish, maybe by Gretes Dukketøj.
Jeg er sikker på denne kjole er dansk, måske fra Gretes Dukketøj.
This could be by Gretes Dukketøj.
Dette kunne være noget Gretes Dukketøj.
I'm pretty sure the skirts were made in Denmark, the bodyblouses were found in Sweden.
Jeg er temmelig sikker på, at nederdelene er lavet i Danmark, bluserne har jeg fundet i Sverige.
This was found in Sweden along with some Danish outfits so I think it might be made in Denmark but don't know by who.
Dette sæt fandt jeg i Sverige i et lot med andet dansk tøj, så jeg tror på det er lavet i Danmark, men jeg ved ikke af hvem.
These looks like Babs' dresses but they have no tag and were found it in Denmark.. I don't know for sure if they were made in Denmark.
Ligner Babskjoler men er ikke mærkede, er fundet i Danmark
Denne er ligesom en Babskjole som hedder Peek-A-Boo, men den har intet mærke og jeg har fundet den i Danmark. Det behøver ikke betyde at den er lavet i Danmark.
Both these dresses were found in Denmark, the fabric used is not exactly the same.
Begge kjoler er fundet i Danmark, stoffet man har brugt er ikke helt ens på begge kjoler.
2 Skipper size dresse found in Denmark.
2 Skipperstørrelses kjoler fundet i Danmark.
This Skipper size dress was also found in Denmark, I have no idea who made it.
Denne Skipperstørrelses kjole er også fundet i Danmark men jeg ved ikke hvem der har lavet den.
This is also Danish Skipper size clothes but by whom?
Dette er også dansk Skippertøj, men lavet af hvem????
Barbie size outfits with prym snaps, found in Denmark.
Barbiestørrelse med prym trykknapper fundet i Danmark.
Skipper size outfits with prym snaps, I think they were made in Denmark, I have much more Barbie outfits with the same prym snap found in Denmark and I'll be showing it later.
Skipperstørrelse kjoler med prym trykknapper. Jeg tror de er dansk producerede og jeg har en del Barbiestørrelses tøj med samme prym trykknap som jeg vil vise, når jeg har fået taget billeder af det.
This dress has Prym snaps and was found in Denmark.
Denne kjole har Prym trykknapper og er fundet i Danmark.
I found these 2 dolls in Denmark and with them were these dresses.
Jeg fandt disse 2 dukker i Danmark og de havde disse kjoler med sig.
Prym snaps.
Prym trykknapper.
2 dresses with prym snaps.
One more dress with Prym snap
2 dresses found in Denmark with Prym snaps.
Fundet i Danmark og med Prym trykknapper.
One more dress with Prym snaps. I got it in a lot with this doll and other dolls as well.
Atter en kjole med Prym trykknap. Jeg fik den i et lot med bl.a. denne dukke.
Suit med prym snaps found in Denmark.
Dragt med prym trykknapper fundet i Danmark.
2-piece pajama.
Prym snaps on these 2 dresses too.
Også prym trykknapper her.
Prym snaps.
Prym trykknapper.
These dresses also have Prym snaps, I got one with the blonde Hong Kong marked doll found in Denmark and the other one with the brunette.
Disse kjoler har også Prym trykknapper og jeg fik dem med de dukker, der har dem på.
Like the blue dress this nurse's uniform came with the doll to the left and has Prym snaps and I got one more with the doll to the right. I'm sure this is a Danish nurse's uniform from the 60's.
Som den blå kjole fik jeg også dette sæt med dukken til venstre og en mere med dukken til højre. Det har også Prym trykknapper. Jeg er sikker på dette er en dansk sygeplejerske uniform fra 60'erne.
I got this dress with a Davtex doll found in Denmark but the dress is too small for all my dolls except Genevieve. It could be made in Denmark but I'm not sure.
Jeg fik denne kjole med en Davtex dukke men den er for lille til alle mine dukker pånær Genevieve. Den kunne være lavet i Danmark men jeg er ikke sikker.
Dresses with Prym snaps found in Denmark.
Fundet i Danmark.
This 3 piece outfit has Prym snaps and was found in Denmark.
This dress was found in Denmark.
Dresses and dolls all found in Denmark
Outfits found in Denmark with Prym snaps.
The green dress has Prym snaps and both were found in Denmark.
Prym snaps and found in Denmark.
Dress with prym snaps and found in Denmark
This was also found in Denmark.
This dress is with prym snaps and was found in Denmark, it has a matching hat in a shape that makes room for a ponytail.
Denne kjole er med prym trykknap og er fundet i Danmark, den matchende hat har form så den passer til en hestehale-frisure.
These for sure was made in Denmark, they are very similar to what Algrema also made and they have prym snaps.
Found in Denmark
Found in Denmark
Found in Denmark.
Found in Denmark and with Prym snaps
The 2 sweaters are made from the same pattern with 2 buttons and button holes in the back. The pants are both with prym snaps.
This too has prym snaps and was found in Denmark
Found in Denmark
Unknown dress found in Denmark
Another dress with Prym snaps found in Denmark
Unknown dresses found in Denmark
Outfits with Prym snaps
Long corduroy lined coat unknown.
This may be homemade but well made and found in Denmark
Factory made dress, I added the belt
Found in Denmark as well, maybe homemade.
The vest and skirt are modern but looks like 60/70 outfit
Found in Denmark and I believe it's homemade.
This knitted dress looks more like a Tressy presentation dress but I can't find it on the Tressy page, it was found in Denmark ad I added the belt.
Dress found in Denmark with Prym snaps.
2 dresses found in Denmark with Prym snaps.
This 3 piece outfit has a prym snap aswell and was found in Denmark
This underwear outfit is also with a prym snap
Found in Denmark and I believe it's homemade.
The skirt has a prym snap.
Found in Denmark, the fabric used here is like the fabric Algrema often used but it doesn't have the Algrema snap.
Found in Denmark, the pants has a zipper.
I suppose this is a wedding dress so I added a veil. I has prym snaps and was found in Denmark.
2 outfits found in a Danish Barbie collection both with Prym snaps
Found in a Danish Barbie collection so at least bought in Denmark if not made in Denmark.
This was found in a lot with Danish outfits
Found in Denmark
Found in Denmark
Found in Denmark but this 2-piece negligee set may be homemade.
Found in Denmark but may not be made here.
Found in Denmark but the one to the right is marked made in Hong Kong
Home made but very well made. Found in a large Skipper lot in Denmark
Homemade I believe but very well made, found in Denmark.
Found in a Skipper lot in Denmark
Found in a clone Skipper lot in Denmark.
Factory made and found in a large Skipper lot in Denmark.
Home made blouse but the skirt if factory made, found in Denmark.
This fake fur coat is lined with white satin, is is factory made.
2 beautiful coats for sure factory made but without tag, may not be danish at all but was found here.
This is like Barbie's outfit Country Fair, I got it with a Swirl bought from the original owner in Denmark.
These 2 dresse also came from the original owner of a Swirl Ponytail Barbie I bought and they are factory made.
Surely inspired by Barbie's outfit Garden Party and found in Denmark with a Swirl Ponytail. The danish designer Else Skipper has made dresses like this but they are usually tagged and this is without tag.
This is similar to the pink in the previous picture.
This was also found with a Swirl Ponytail in Denmark but I don't believe it's made in Denmark.
This pajamas was also found in Denmark and could be made here.
This corduroy 2-piece suit came with a Swirl Ponytail bought in Denmark, I think it was made in Hong Kong, there is the remains of a paper tag.
This was also found in Denmark and has Prym snaps.
Another dress with Prym snaps found in Denmark
This was with this doll from the original owner.
This was made by the original owner's mom
This was with this doll from the original owner. I have another Peek-a-boo copy with yellow flowers.
This was with this doll from the original owner. This dress has prym snaps.
This was with this doll from the original owner.
This was found in Denmark on a Barbie doll along with the suede coat on the next picture.
This is real suede and it was found in Denmark with the dress on the previous picture on a Barbie doll.
Found in Denmark
Found in Denmark
Found in Denmark
One of my friends got this outfit when she was a child and could show me it came with a white bonnet made of fake fur.
Found in Denmark, looks a lot like those sold by Åhléns but without the prym snap.
The white top was also found in Denmark, it looks like a dress but there's only 3 snaps so it won't close so I added a pair of black leggings.
This I got with a Barbie lot in Denmark.
Pants has prym snap and I'm sure the blouse is part of this outfit.
I believe I found this in Denmark but no tag or special snaps.
Wonderful 2-piece outfit with prym snaps
The pajama has prym snaps, I don't remember where I found the shoes but they are cute.
Also with prym snaps and found in Denmark.
I just got this in a Danish lot with things from the 60's