This is a Linda add shown by my friend Thomas in a facebook group for Danish doll collectors, it's from Denmark and written in Danish
Those 2 were the first Linda dolls in my collection, they are from UK:
Dette er de første Lindadukker i min samling, jeg fik dem fra England.
Original outfits. The outfit to the right looks like an outfit for Randy by Fab-Lu called Everybody's Sweetheart. You can see that in Randy's album.
Originalt tøj. Sættet til højre er magen til Randy by Fab-Lu's sæt som hedder Everybody's Sweetheart. Det kan ses i Randys album.
One more ponytail doll in tagged dress
Her hair style is like my Randy doll and I have no other Linda dolls like this.
I just bought this from USA and she's my first Linda doll with an up-do hair style. She came with this outfit.
These 2 are also from UK, they seems to be a cheaper quality than the first 2 dolls with thinner hair.
Disse 2 er også fra England, de synes at være af en dårligere kvalitet end de 2 første og har tyndere hår.
Linda outfits, also the blue/white dress under the coat. The coats are slightly different in the fabric. The coats and the blue dress was found in Denmark, not sure about the other outfit.
Linde tøj, også den blå/hvide kjole under frakken. Frakkerne er lavet af forskelligt stof. Frakkerne og den blå kjole er fundet i Danmark, jeg er ikke sikker på det andet sæt.
I got a blue version of this outfit too now
3 Linda dolls with long hair.
Original outfits. I got the blonde wearing this.
Jeg fik den blonde i dette sæt.
These 3 were found by a good friend of mine in Denmark. They have 3 different hair-does, the brunette has long hair in the middle of the head. I think they are called Liza Jane. I found some baggie ones on ebay.
Disse 3 har en god veninde fundet til mig i Danmark. De har alle forskellige frisurer, den med det brune hår har langt hår på midten af hovedet. Jeg tror de hedder Liza Jane, jeg fandt nogle i original emballage på ebay.
The coat is not by Linda and the blue/white dress belongs to Telseda Wendy. The red & white dress is a copy of a Babs outfit called Pert & Pretty.
Frakken er ikke fra Linda og den blå/hvide er til Telseda Wendy. Den rød/hvide kjole er en kopi af et Babs sæt som hedder Pert & Pretty.
This is also a Linda doll, I have seen a doll like this mint in a bag and she is an Italian Linda doll in original outfit.
Dette er også en Linda dukke, jeg har set en lignende i en uåbnet pose og hun er en Italiensk Linda i originalt tøj.
Italian Linda doll.
This is truly a copy of a Linda doll, she has Linda face but her body is not as nicely made as Linda doll's body, that is easy to see comparing the hands and feet. Her bag is marked Vinyl dolls with dress/4-sisters and Made in Hong Kong.
Dette er helt sikkert en kopi af en Linda dukke, hendes hoved er som Lindas men kroppen er ikke så flot, det ses især på hænder og fødder. Hun er mærket som skrevet i den engelske tekst.
It's not the easiest thing to take a good picture of a baggie doll but I think it's okay.
Det er ikke det letteste at tage et billede af en dukke i plastikpose, men jeg tror det er okay.
This I believe is a Linda clone, she was wearing this plastic bra and the pants when I got her.
Jeg tror det er en Lindaklon, hun havde denne plastik bh og trusserne på, da jeg fik hende.
Linda clone I believe.
Lindaklon tror jeg.
I think this 2-piece outfit is original, it has a Hong Kong paper tag on the outside of the skirt.
Jeg tror dette 2-delte sæt er originalt, det har et papirmærke med Hong Kong på ydersiden af skørtet.
Shrimp, Linda's younger sister, both found in Denmark.
Lindas lillesøster Shrimp, begge fundet i Danmark.
Tagged Linda outfits
I believe this is like the smaller doll in the picture before this.
Jeg tror dette er den samme slags dukke som den mindste af dukkerne på billedet før dette.
I believe these 2 are also Linda dolls, they were sold in Denmark, the smaller one as an international doll. Take a look at the next picture.
Jeg tror også dette er Linda dukker, de blev solgt i Danmark, den mindste som en international dukke, se næste billede.
This coat is for a Skipper size coat, it's actually too narrow to fit Shrimp.
Denne frakke er Skipperstørrelse, den er faktisk for snæver til at passe Shrimp.
Corduroy tagged coat
Linda dress, this is a copy of a Babs dress called Let's Go Formal.
Dette er en kopi af en Babs kjole som hedder Let's Go Formal.
Just bought this Linda dress in Denmark. It's yet another copy of a Babs dress, this time Blaze O'Glory, this is made of cotton and Blaze O'Glory is made of satin.
Denne har jeg lige købt her i Danmark, det er igen en kopi af en Babs kjole, denne gang Blaze O'Glory. Denne er dog lavet af bomuld mens Blaze O'Glory er af satin.
I just got this dress in a Danish lot, it's a cotton copy of Babs' Blaze O'Glory dress.
Another Linda copy of a Babs outfit, this time it's Bon Voyage.
Endnu en kopi af et Babs sæt, denne gang Bon Voyage.
This Linda outfit too is a copy of a Babs outfit called RSVP
The shirt is tagged Linda, the skirt is not and it might not be the actual skirt to this outfit but it would be one like it I'm sure. The outfit is very much like a Randy outfit called Flair For Fun by Fab-Lu.
Skjorten er mærket, nederdelen er ikke, hvis ikke det er den originale til skjorten er det ihvertfald en magen til. Sættet ligner Fun For Flair som Fab-Lu solgte til deres Randy dukke.
This has a Linda tag too, I have found this dress more than once in Denmark but this time I got a veil with it and I'm sure this is original with gold one it so this is in fact a Wedding Outfit.
Jeg har fundet denne kjole flere gange i Danmark, den er mærket Linda. Nu har jeg også fundet en med slør, som jeg er sikker på er originalt til kjolen, så det er altså en brudekjole.
This is marked Linda, very much like one shown in the Evergreen USA album that is shown in Europe Fashion dolls, and also looks a little like Petras Paris outfit.
Linda outfit on Hong Kong doll
Linda outfit pieces found in Denmark. The red/white striped top looks as the top to an outfit for Randy by Fab-Lu called Beauty and the Beast.
Dele fundet i Danmark. Den stribede top ser ud som toppen til et Randy sæt som hedder Beauty and the Beast.
MOC Linda wedding outfit.
Uåbnet Linda brudekjole.
3 Suzy dolls found in Canada with original hair-does and accessories.
Suzy dolls in original outfits, I believe they were never played with.
Suzy dukker i originalt tøj, jeg tror aldrig de har været leget med.
Somebody just told me she is called Chelsea, I believe this is also a doll by Linda, she has the same body and grooves on her feet. Her hair has been cut I think. She has a smaller head than the others I have.
This uniform is marked Linda
On Linda Clark's homepage: http://www.petradolls.co.uk/petradolls.htm you can read about Petra dolls but also about Linda so I'm not going to write much here. I have a lot of dolls which I believe are Linda dolls, a few was found in UK but most was found in Denmark. The dolls I'm going to show here all have the same body with the same marking and the same moldmarks. There's a difference in the quality and the hair-does. Most of them are not smiling but in Denmark I have found 3 that are smiling. I'm also showing 3 dolls I found in Canada, they have the exact same bodies as the other dolls shown here, mold marks are the same and so are the faces. The difference is that these have rooted lashes. On a page by the Tamme club I have seen a similar boxed doll and her name is Suzy. I show them here and not in the albums I intend to make with Tammy clones because they are exactly like the Linda dolls. I'm also showing 2 smaller dolls called Shrimp. She is sold as Linda's younger sister. I found these 2 in Denmark. På Linda Clark's hjemmeside - se link ovenfor - kan man læse om Linda, så jeg vil ikke skrive meget her. Jeg har fundet nogle af mine Linda dukker i England og en del i Danmark. De dukker jeg har er ret forskellige, nogle er af bedre kvalitet end andre, de har forskellig frisurer. De fleste er uden smil, men jeg har 3 fundet i Danmark som smiler. Alle har samme krop med samme støbemærker på, og samme ansigt (pånær dem som smiler). Jeg har også fundet 3 lignende dukker i Canada, de har samme krop og støbemærker og samme ansigt, forskellen er, at disse 3 har "ægte" øjenvipper. På en hjemmeside fra Tammy klubben i USA har jeg set en lignende dukke i æske, hun hedder Suzy. Jeg viser dem her, og ikke i de albums jeg har planlagt at lave med Tammy kloner, da de er så lig Lindadukkerne. Jeg viser også to mindredukker, de hedder Shrimp og blev solgt som Lindas lillesøster.
This is a Linda add shown by my friend Thomas in a facebook group for Danish doll collectors, it's from Denmark and written in Danish
Those 2 were the first Linda dolls in my collection, they are from UK:
Dette er de første Lindadukker i min samling, jeg fik dem fra England.
Original outfits. The outfit to the right looks like an outfit for Randy by Fab-Lu called Everybody's Sweetheart. You can see that in Randy's album.
Originalt tøj. Sættet til højre er magen til Randy by Fab-Lu's sæt som hedder Everybody's Sweetheart. Det kan ses i Randys album.
One more ponytail doll in tagged dress
Her hair style is like my Randy doll and I have no other Linda dolls like this.
I just bought this from USA and she's my first Linda doll with an up-do hair style. She came with this outfit.
These 2 are also from UK, they seems to be a cheaper quality than the first 2 dolls with thinner hair.
Disse 2 er også fra England, de synes at være af en dårligere kvalitet end de 2 første og har tyndere hår.
Linda outfits, also the blue/white dress under the coat. The coats are slightly different in the fabric. The coats and the blue dress was found in Denmark, not sure about the other outfit.
Linde tøj, også den blå/hvide kjole under frakken. Frakkerne er lavet af forskelligt stof. Frakkerne og den blå kjole er fundet i Danmark, jeg er ikke sikker på det andet sæt.
I got a blue version of this outfit too now
3 Linda dolls with long hair.
Original outfits. I got the blonde wearing this.
Jeg fik den blonde i dette sæt.
These 3 were found by a good friend of mine in Denmark. They have 3 different hair-does, the brunette has long hair in the middle of the head. I think they are called Liza Jane. I found some baggie ones on ebay.
Disse 3 har en god veninde fundet til mig i Danmark. De har alle forskellige frisurer, den med det brune hår har langt hår på midten af hovedet. Jeg tror de hedder Liza Jane, jeg fandt nogle i original emballage på ebay.
The coat is not by Linda and the blue/white dress belongs to Telseda Wendy. The red & white dress is a copy of a Babs outfit called Pert & Pretty.
Frakken er ikke fra Linda og den blå/hvide er til Telseda Wendy. Den rød/hvide kjole er en kopi af et Babs sæt som hedder Pert & Pretty.
This is also a Linda doll, I have seen a doll like this mint in a bag and she is an Italian Linda doll in original outfit.
Dette er også en Linda dukke, jeg har set en lignende i en uåbnet pose og hun er en Italiensk Linda i originalt tøj.
Italian Linda doll.
This is truly a copy of a Linda doll, she has Linda face but her body is not as nicely made as Linda doll's body, that is easy to see comparing the hands and feet. Her bag is marked Vinyl dolls with dress/4-sisters and Made in Hong Kong.
Dette er helt sikkert en kopi af en Linda dukke, hendes hoved er som Lindas men kroppen er ikke så flot, det ses især på hænder og fødder. Hun er mærket som skrevet i den engelske tekst.
It's not the easiest thing to take a good picture of a baggie doll but I think it's okay.
Det er ikke det letteste at tage et billede af en dukke i plastikpose, men jeg tror det er okay.
This I believe is a Linda clone, she was wearing this plastic bra and the pants when I got her.
Jeg tror det er en Lindaklon, hun havde denne plastik bh og trusserne på, da jeg fik hende.
Linda clone I believe.
Lindaklon tror jeg.
I think this 2-piece outfit is original, it has a Hong Kong paper tag on the outside of the skirt.
Jeg tror dette 2-delte sæt er originalt, det har et papirmærke med Hong Kong på ydersiden af skørtet.
Shrimp, Linda's younger sister, both found in Denmark.
Lindas lillesøster Shrimp, begge fundet i Danmark.
Tagged Linda outfits
I believe this is like the smaller doll in the picture before this.
Jeg tror dette er den samme slags dukke som den mindste af dukkerne på billedet før dette.
I believe these 2 are also Linda dolls, they were sold in Denmark, the smaller one as an international doll. Take a look at the next picture.
Jeg tror også dette er Linda dukker, de blev solgt i Danmark, den mindste som en international dukke, se næste billede.
This coat is for a Skipper size coat, it's actually too narrow to fit Shrimp.
Denne frakke er Skipperstørrelse, den er faktisk for snæver til at passe Shrimp.
Corduroy tagged coat
Linda dress, this is a copy of a Babs dress called Let's Go Formal.
Dette er en kopi af en Babs kjole som hedder Let's Go Formal.
Just bought this Linda dress in Denmark. It's yet another copy of a Babs dress, this time Blaze O'Glory, this is made of cotton and Blaze O'Glory is made of satin.
Denne har jeg lige købt her i Danmark, det er igen en kopi af en Babs kjole, denne gang Blaze O'Glory. Denne er dog lavet af bomuld mens Blaze O'Glory er af satin.
I just got this dress in a Danish lot, it's a cotton copy of Babs' Blaze O'Glory dress.
Another Linda copy of a Babs outfit, this time it's Bon Voyage.
Endnu en kopi af et Babs sæt, denne gang Bon Voyage.
This Linda outfit too is a copy of a Babs outfit called RSVP
The shirt is tagged Linda, the skirt is not and it might not be the actual skirt to this outfit but it would be one like it I'm sure. The outfit is very much like a Randy outfit called Flair For Fun by Fab-Lu.
Skjorten er mærket, nederdelen er ikke, hvis ikke det er den originale til skjorten er det ihvertfald en magen til. Sættet ligner Fun For Flair som Fab-Lu solgte til deres Randy dukke.
This has a Linda tag too, I have found this dress more than once in Denmark but this time I got a veil with it and I'm sure this is original with gold one it so this is in fact a Wedding Outfit.
Jeg har fundet denne kjole flere gange i Danmark, den er mærket Linda. Nu har jeg også fundet en med slør, som jeg er sikker på er originalt til kjolen, så det er altså en brudekjole.
This is marked Linda, very much like one shown in the Evergreen USA album that is shown in Europe Fashion dolls, and also looks a little like Petras Paris outfit.
Linda outfit on Hong Kong doll
Linda outfit pieces found in Denmark. The red/white striped top looks as the top to an outfit for Randy by Fab-Lu called Beauty and the Beast.
Dele fundet i Danmark. Den stribede top ser ud som toppen til et Randy sæt som hedder Beauty and the Beast.
MOC Linda wedding outfit.
Uåbnet Linda brudekjole.
3 Suzy dolls found in Canada with original hair-does and accessories.
Suzy dolls in original outfits, I believe they were never played with.
Suzy dukker i originalt tøj, jeg tror aldrig de har været leget med.
Somebody just told me she is called Chelsea, I believe this is also a doll by Linda, she has the same body and grooves on her feet. Her hair has been cut I think. She has a smaller head than the others I have.
This uniform is marked Linda
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