My doll. She has what's called flirty eyes that can open and close and they can "roll" from side to side, when she is moved.
Min dukke. Hun har det der kaldes flirtende øjne der kan lukke og de kan rulle fra side til side, når man bevæger hende.
This is the sheath dress I made for her, I like it but the color doesn't really match the shoes.
Her er kjolen jeg lavede til hende, jeg kan godt lide den men farven matcher ikke rigtig kjolen.
Here is a picture of an original box also found on ebay.
Her er et billede af den oprindelige æske, har jeg også fundet på ebay.
I just got this Sonja clone today, she is unmarked and clearly a cheaper and lighter doll as Sonja, but still I like her
Sonja by Ottolini to the left and the clone to the right. I am in the process of making new outfit to both of them
I got 2 of these clones now, the one in Stewardess uniform I found on ebay in France, I created an outfit for the other one, I found a picture of a Pierre Cardin dress in a danish magasin from 1966, I did however leave out the zipper he had placed across the front of the dress.
I just got one more doll from Victor Products in Italy, it's the middle one and she is wearing original outfit
I have been knitting for Sonia, a dress that looks like one of her original and in a color matching her shoes
One more homemade dress for Sonia
A nice person just contacted me about this doll and I found out that I forgot to tell that Sonia is from Italy.
I got one Sonia doll and I got her from an antiques dealer I know, he sold her on a danish auction page and I was the lucky winner. Before I got her I didn't know anything about her but later I found an ebay auction with a similar doll in box. Mine didn't have any clothes so I made her a sheath dress like Barbie's and just used some fabric I had. I'll have to make her something else later to match the shoes. She is 65 cm that's about 25.6" tall and in very good to mint condition. I have no idea which year she is from, she has moulded shoes like Bild-Lilli and the Hong Kong Lilli dolls so she could be late 50's or early 60's. I also got 2 other dolls same size and just found out that they are Italian too by
products – Giocattoli in confezioni Speciali. They don't have the flirty eyes and they have lighter bodies.
En venlig person har lige kontaktet mig og gjort mig opmærksom på, at jeg ikke har nævnt, at Sonia er fra Italien.
Jeg har kun én Sonia fra Ottolini dukke, jeg købte den på Qxl og sælger kendte jeg lidt i forvejen, så jeg afhentede hende selv. Jeg vidste intet om dukken, heller ikke hvad hun hed. Senere så jeg en lignende dukke på ebay som blev solgt med æske og originalt tøj, så havde jeg da et navn. Min havde intet tøj så jeg skyndte mig at sy en kjole magen til Barbie's sheath kjoler af det stof jeg lige havde. Jeg skal have lavet noget andet som bedre matcher skoene. Hun er 65 cm høj og er som ny. Jeg har ingen idé om, hvornår hun er fra, hun har støbte sko som Bild-Lilli og Hong Kong-Lilli dukkerne, så hun kunne være fra sidst i 50'erne eller begyndelsen af 60'erne. Jeg har senere fundet 2 Sonia kloner og har lige nu fundet ud af at de er fra Italien også og blev fremstillet af
products – Giocattoli in confezioni Speciali. De har ikke flirty øjne og er af lettere materiale
My doll. She has what's called flirty eyes that can open and close and they can "roll" from side to side, when she is moved.
Min dukke. Hun har det der kaldes flirtende øjne der kan lukke og de kan rulle fra side til side, når man bevæger hende.
This is the sheath dress I made for her, I like it but the color doesn't really match the shoes.
Her er kjolen jeg lavede til hende, jeg kan godt lide den men farven matcher ikke rigtig kjolen.
Here is a picture of an original box also found on ebay.
Her er et billede af den oprindelige æske, har jeg også fundet på ebay.
I just got this Sonja clone today, she is unmarked and clearly a cheaper and lighter doll as Sonja, but still I like her
Sonja by Ottolini to the left and the clone to the right. I am in the process of making new outfit to both of them
I got 2 of these clones now, the one in Stewardess uniform I found on ebay in France, I created an outfit for the other one, I found a picture of a Pierre Cardin dress in a danish magasin from 1966, I did however leave out the zipper he had placed across the front of the dress.
I just got one more doll from Victor Products in Italy, it's the middle one and she is wearing original outfit
I have been knitting for Sonia, a dress that looks like one of her original and in a color matching her shoes
One more homemade dress for Sonia
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